Complete E-commerce site built with Node.js, React, Redux, Express, MongoDB
- Ensure that you have a Functional Text Editor(Atom, SublimeText, VSCode, etc) on your System.
- Add your config variables values in the config.env file in backend/config folder.
- Use the credit card as 4000 0027 6000 3184
- cd frontend
- npm i
- npm i
- npm start dev (for running the backend in development mode)
- cd frontend
- npm start (for running the frontend in development mode)
- Change the DB_URI to DB_LOCAL_URI to use a local database
- Create a folder data/db inside the folder where u installed mongodb for local storage
- Developed an E-Commerce Website (using MongoDB, Express, React, Redux & Node.js) where people can search, buy and save different products using checkout process, filter them and post their reviews. Used Stripe API to handle payments and Cloudinary to handle images.
- Implemented User-Authentication and Admin Dashboard to manage all the products, orders, reviews and users. Created password reset and forgot mechanism using Mailtrap and SMTP and deployed it via Heroku.