This repository contains the scripts and files related to the development of an intertidal Arduino pH sensor.
This repository is maintained by Hofmann Lab graduate student Amelia Ritger (GitHub: @ameliaritger) at the University of California, Santa Barbara in the Department of Ecology, Evolution, & Marine Biology. Please direct any questions or comments about this repository to Amelia Ritger.
├── documentation/ # folder containing documentation for building the Arduino data logger for the pH sensor project
│ └── arduinoPHConstructionOperation.docx # document for building the Arduino data logger
├── software/ # folder containing software relevant to the Arduino data logger
| └── arduinoCode/ # folder containing C++ code to program the Arduino
| └── CONFIG.h # configuration script, to set filename, sampling interval, and sampling start date & time
| └── SRC.h # source script, for useful functions
| └── arduinoCode.ino # main script, to sample from the pH sensor and store the values on the Arduino
| └── rCode/ # folder containing R code to process pH sensor data. Note: currently formatted for project development, not finalized for public application!
| └── Final_OMEGAS.Rmd # Step 3: Apply calibration constants to deployment data
| └── Final_Tris_Cal.Rmd # STEP 2: Calculate calibration constants for the sensor
| └── Final_deploy_voltages.Rmd # STEP 4: Plot calibrated sensor data with HOBO logger temperature data
| └── Final_standardize_data.Rmd # STEP 1: Standardize Arduino (new design) and Madgetech (old design) data
├── media/ # folder containing media files for project repo
├── draft_files/ # folder containing all draft project files related to initial testing and development
├── .gitignore
└── ph-sensor-dev.Rproj