A plug to keep track of user navigation history using sessions. This can be useful for example to redirect the user back to the previous page, or to redirect after a login when the user tried to access a page without being authenticated.
Add :navigation_history
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:navigation_history, "~> 0.4"}
To keep track of the navigation, add the NavigationHistory.Tracker
For example, in a Phoenix application, your pipeline could become:
pipeline :browser do
plug :accepts, ["html"]
plug :fetch_session
plug :fetch_flash
plug :protect_from_forgery
plug :put_secure_browser_headers
plug NavigationHistory.Tracker
You can then retrieve the paths the user navigated to by using
NavigationHistory.last_path(conn) # will return the last navigated path or nil
NavigationHistory.last_path(conn, 1) # will return the second last navigated path
NavigationHistory.last_path(conn, default: "/") # will return the last path or "/"
NavigationHistory.last_paths(conn) # will return a list of the last navigated paths
NavigationHistory.last_path(session) # instead of passing a conn, can also pass a session
For example, to redirect the user to the last navigated path in Phoenix, you can use a helper like this
def redirect_back(conn, opts \\ []) do
Phoenix.Controller.redirect(conn, to: NavigationHistory.last_path(conn, opts))
# you can then write
redirect_back(conn, default: "/")
Take a look at this conversation in Phoenix for more info about redirecting back.
There are a few options that can be used with the plug:
- The list of paths which should not be tracked. For example,/login
or similar for a lot of apps. Defaults to[]
- Limits list the paths to be tracked when set.excluded_paths
is ignored if set.methods
- The list methods which should be tracked. Defaults to["GET"]
- The number of history entries to track inlast_paths
. Defaults to10
- The key used to track the navigation. It can also be passed tolast_path
to retrieve the paths for the relevant key. Defaults to"default"
- By default, if the same URL is repeated, it is ignored, unless this option is set totrue
. Defaults tofalse
plug NavigationHistory.Tracker, excluded_paths: ["/login", ~r(/admin.*)]
plug NavigationHistory.Tracker, included_paths: [~r(/admin.*)], key: "admin", history_size: 5
# which an be used
NavigationHistory.last_path(conn) # from default history
NavigationHistory.last_path(conn, key: "admin") # from admin history
Copyright (c) 2016 Daniel Perez
Released under the MIT License, which can be found in the repository in LICENSE.