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Update Formula Version #24

Update Formula Version

Update Formula Version #24

name: Update Formula Version
# Allow manually starting the workflow in case we need human intervention or want to trigger it faster.
# Also, cron scheduled workflows get disabled if there's no activity after a while, so if it's been more than
# a month or so, we might have to manually trigger the workflow to get it going again.
# Runs at 08:23 UTC / 00:23 PST / 01:23 PDT
# 23 is an arbitrarily chosen to avoid running the workflow during the peak at the beginning of the hour
# TODO: See if we can get rid of this and have a workflow in ion-cli trigger this workflow when a new release
# is created. When that happens, we should have the tag passed in as an argument to the workflow.
- cron: '23 8 * * *'
# Don't run the cron schedule in forks
if: github.repository == 'amazon-ion/homebrew-ion-cli' || github.event_name == 'workflow_dispatch'
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
contents: write
pull-requests: write
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- shell: bash
run: |
# Look up the latest release
release=$(gh release view -R "amazon-ion/ion-cli" --json tagName,tarballUrl)
# extract values from the json response
tag="$(jq -r '.tagName' <<< "$release")"
tarballUrl="$(jq -r '.tarballUrl' <<< "$release")"
version="$(cut -d'v' -f2 <<< "$tag")"
if grep -q 'version "'"$version"'"' Formula/ion-cli.rb; then
echo "Already up-to-date; using version $version"
# Download the release tar and calculate the sha
curl -L "$tarballUrl" --output "ion-cli.tar.gz"
sha=`out=$(shasum -a 256 < ion-cli.tar.gz) && echo "${out%%[!0-9A-Za-z]*}"`
# Update the formula
# Requires GNU sed, which is not installed by default on macOS.
# To run this on a Mac, `brew install gnu-sed` and then run with `gsed` instead of `sed`.
sed -i -e 's, url .*, url "'"$tarballUrl"'",g' \
-e 's/ sha256 .*/ sha256 "'"$sha"'"/g' \
-e 's/ version .*/ version "'"$version"'"/g' Formula/ion-cli.rb
# TODO: Use the bot token for pushing so that the PR can be auto-approved and merged.
git config amazon-ion-bot
git config [email protected]
git checkout -b "formula-update-$version"
git add -u
git commit -m "Update ion-cli formula to $tag"
# In case this is a re-run, we're going to force push
git push --force --set-upstream origin "formula-update-$version"
gh pr create --fill