Welcome to FaceRecognition – the face recognition technology at your fingertips! Our app simplifies facial detection in images, allowing you to effortlessly box faces with precision. Perfect for photography enthusiasts and social media users alike with user-friendly design, making it easy for anyone to enhance their visual content. Experience the convenience of accurate face detection
- 🔍Advanced Face Detection: Let FaceRecoginiton do the hard work for you as it accurately identifies and boxes faces within your images
- 📸Upload and Analyze: Simply upload your images, and watch as our app swiftly processes and displays the detected faces.
- 🌐Versatile Compatibility: Whether it's a group photo, a selfie, or a professional shot, it's caters to all image types.
- 🔢Smart Search History: Keep track effortlessly! It not only recognizes faces but also remembers the count of photos you've searched, providing a convenient way to manage and revisit your searches.
Client: React, Tachyons
Server: Node, Express, Clarifai, Postgresql
Clone the project
git clone https://github.com/aman879/face-recognition.git
Go to the project directory
cd my-project
Install dependencies
npm install
Before you start using FaceRecognition app. You have to obtain you Clarifai API key and use it on App.js
const PAT = //YOUR API KEY;
const USER_ID = //USER_ID;
const APP_ID = //APP_NAME;
You can add this on your Enviroment variable also.
For Backend:
Install postgresql and pgAdmin on you system.
If using wsl visit file in backend folder and follow same steps
Connect to pgAdmin and configure your server.js
connection: { host : //your hostname, port : 5432, user : 'postgres', password : //password, database : //databaseName }
Start postgresql
Go to backend folder
cd backend
Start the backend server
npm start
Go to your frontend folder
cd ..
cd frontend
Start frontend
npm run start
We welcome all contributors to enhance Sentisonics and make it even more magical. If you have any suggestions, find bugs, or want to add exciting new features, feel free to submit a pull request or open an issue in the repository