This is a cross-lingual zero pronoun resolution using BERT with other positional features as well.
Json files show we represent the data to our model.
Json files are formatted as:
"id": train/test id
"sentence1": sentence 1
"sentence2": sentence 2 (if AZP and its candidates appear in two different sentences)
"azp_index": [azp index in sentence 1, azp index in sentence 2], (-1 if does not exist)
"candidate_start_indices": [[start indices of candidates in sentence 1],[start indices of candidates in sentence 2]]
"candidate_end_indices": [[end indices of candidates in sentence 1],[end indices of candidates in sentence 2]]
"labels": [candidate labels]
In train.json, we show how we represent one data instance for two cases:
- AZP and its candidates in one sentence.
- AZP in one sentence, and candidates in another
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Note: We also included BERT tokenization file. We made it work smoothly with get_wordpiece_indices() function to extract subtoken indices (check line 211 for more information).