🈹🐀💥 Minimalistic browser script for solving instaling.pl tasks, so it allows you to pass to the next class without absorbing your time at home.
Instaling advisor actually doesn't automatically solve your Instaling tasks, but shows you an answer before the task is solved. This way helps to avoid bans. Automatic solving could be considered to add if requested by anyone in the future.
Simply copy the content of dist/script.js file and paste it into the console on Instaling.pl session page.
npm install # or yarn
npm run build:dev # or yarn build:dev
npm run build # or yarn build
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
** I got few negative grades at school because of this website, because I am too busy to do these tasks at home :]
also I am surprised how bad it was done (messy code and bad code quality)