The core about this plugin its build on Retrofit 2 and Dagger 2. The main structure generated included @Inject about Dagger2 and Adapter about Retrofit 2 Adapter, its very recommened add Retrofit 2 and Dagger 2 libraries in your gradle.
Activity Android is based in AppCompatActivity to make it easier the compability with Android elements, also Fragment Android is based in support v4.
If you select entity with presenter, create a presenter reference in view element and is required implements the interface to connect presenter and the corresponding view.
To works presenter you need add UseCase in package domain and create a new reference in presenter to works with it.
- VERY IMPORTANT copy all templates (/resources/templates) into AndroidStudioConfig/config/fileTemplates. How to know the Android Studio Config folder
- Its recommended for ths plugin add in your gradle the libraries Retrofit 2 and Dagger 2.
- Select directory where you create a new entity.
- Right click and select Clean Architecture Generator or click in plugin icon.
- Write the entity name. Please. the first letter about entity in uppercase.
- Select activity or fragment. Only one
- Select if you want with presenter and adapter
- Click Confirm button and wait to create the entity
More information and screenshots: Plugin reference