<a href="https://github.com/ltlam/RRBS_SCP"target="_blank">https://github.com/ltlam/RRBS_SCP
This guide provides steps for performing alignment and sample visualization of MspI digested RRBS reads.
- Convert qseq to fastq
- BSseeker2 alignment & methylation calling
- RRBS coverage calculation
- Sample methylation distribution & dendrogram using [R]
- Fragment methylation calculation
- Unix environment
- Python 2.6+
- R
- Bowtie2 (<a href="http://bowtie-bio.sourceforge.net/bowtie2/index.shtml"target="_blank">http://bowtie-bio.sourceforge.net/bowtie2/index.shtml)
- Pysam (https://code.google.com/archive/p/pysam/)
- BSseeker2 (https://github.com/BSSeeker/BSseeker2)
- ggplot2 (http://ggplot2.org/)
- reshape2 (https://github.com/hadley/reshape)
The sample files were extracted from MspI digested human RRBS reads that have been demultiplexed. Each file contains reads from chr19.
- /data/TBS_14A_chr19.qseq.gz
- /data/TBS_14B_chr19.qseq.gz
- /data/TBS_18C_chr19.qseq.gz
- /data/TBS_26A_chr19.qseq.gz
- /data/TBS_50A_chr19.qseq.gz
This step is not required for alignment but may be useful if other tools require fastq files.
cd <path to gzipped qseq files>
gunzip *.gz
cat TBS_14A_chr19.qseq | java -jar qseq2fastq.jar -phred64 > TBS_14A_chr19.fastq
cat TBS_14B_chr19.qseq | java -jar qseq2fastq.jar -phred64 > TBS_14B_chr19.fastq
cat TBS_18C_chr19.qseq | java -jar qseq2fastq.jar -phred64 > TBS_18C_chr19.fastq
cat TBS_26A_chr19.qseq | java -jar qseq2fastq.jar -phred64 > TBS_26A_chr19.fastq
cat TBS_50A_chr19.qseq | java -jar qseq2fastq.jar -phred64 > TBS_50A_chr19.fastq
This step assumes you have setup both BSseeker2 and <a href="http://bowtie-bio.sourceforge.net/bowtie2/index.shtml"target="_blank">bowtie2. This step also assumes an RRBS index file was built with fragment range of 40-500bp.
- -i = input file of reads
- -m = number of mismatches allowed
- --aligner = bowtie2, installed aligner
- --bt2 = bowtie2 alignment method, --end-to-end recommended
- -o = output file
- -f = output file format, bam
- -g = RRBS indexed reference genome
- -r = RRBS alignment flag
- --low = lower bound of RRBS fragment
- --up = upper bound of RRBS fragment
- -a = path to adapter sequence file adapter.txt, CGAGATCGGAAGAGCACACGTC recommended for MspI
python bs_seeker2-align.py -i TBS_14A_chr19.fastq -m 5 --aligner=bowtie2 --bt2--end-to-end -o TBS_14A_chr19.bam -f bam -g hg19_tb.fa -r --low=40 --up=500 -a adapter.txt
python bs_seeker2-align.py -i TBS_14B_chr19.fastq -m 5 --aligner=bowtie2 --bt2--end-to-end -o TBS_14B_chr19.bam -f bam -g hg19_tb.fa -r --low=40 --up=500 -a adapter.txt
python bs_seeker2-align.py -i TBS_18C_chr19.fastq -m 5 --aligner=bowtie2 --bt2--end-to-end -o TBS_18C_chr19.bam -f bam -g hg19_tb.fa -r --low=40 --up=500 -a adapter.txt
python bs_seeker2-align.py -i TBS_26A_chr19.fastq -m 5 --aligner=bowtie2 --bt2--end-to-end -o TBS_26A_chr19.bam -f bam -g hg19_tb.fa -r --low=40 --up=500 -a adapter.txt
python bs_seeker2-align.py -i TBS_50A_chr19.fastq -m 5 --aligner=bowtie2 --bt2--end-to-end -o TBS_50A_chr19.bam -f bam -g hg19_tb.fa -r --low=40 --up=500 -a adapter.txt
- -x = enable filtering of reads not fully converted by bisulfite treatment
- -i = input bam file
- -o = output prefix
- --db = RRBS reference index folder path
python bs_seeker2-call_methylation.py -x -i TBS_14A_chr19.bam -o TBS_14A_chr19 --db <BSSeeker2 Path>/bs_utils/reference_genomes/hg19_tb.fa_rrbs_40_500_bowtie2/
python bs_seeker2-call_methylation.py -x -i TBS_14B_chr19.bam -o TBS_14B_chr19 --db <BSSeeker2 Path>/bs_utils/reference_genomes/hg19_tb.fa_rrbs_40_500_bowtie2/
python bs_seeker2-call_methylation.py -x -i TBS_18C_chr19.bam -o TBS_18C_chr19 --db <BSSeeker2 Path>/bs_utils/reference_genomes/hg19_tb.fa_rrbs_40_500_bowtie2/
python bs_seeker2-call_methylation.py -x -i TBS_26A_chr19.bam -o TBS_26A_chr19 --db <BSSeeker2 Path>/bs_utils/reference_genomes/hg19_tb.fa_rrbs_40_500_bowtie2/
python bs_seeker2-call_methylation.py -x -i TBS_50A_chr19.bam -o TBS_50A_chr19 --db <BSSeeker2 Path>/bs_utils/reference_genomes/hg19_tb.fa_rrbs_40_500_bowtie2/
This step reports the mean number of reads aligned across the RRBS fragments. The mappable region file is located in the BSseeker2 subdirectory.
example: BSseeker2/bs_utils/reference_genomes/hg19_tb.fa_rrbs_40_500_bowtie2/RRBS_mappable_regions.txt
The script outputs to a tab delimeted .cov file. The first value in the .cov files is the sum of the coverage level at each bp. The second value is the total number of mappable bp. The third value is the sum of the coverage divided by number of mappable bases.
- -r = RRBS mappable region file
- -b = input bam file
python bam_to_cov.py -r RRBS_mappable_regions_chr19.txt -b TBS_14A_chr19.bam_sorted.bam
python bam_to_cov.py -r RRBS_mappable_regions_chr19.txt -b TBS_14B_chr19.bam_sorted.bam
python bam_to_cov.py -r RRBS_mappable_regions_chr19.txt -b TBS_18C_chr19.bam_sorted.bam
python bam_to_cov.py -r RRBS_mappable_regions_chr19.txt -b TBS_26A_chr19.bam_sorted.bam
python bam_to_cov.py -r RRBS_mappable_regions_chr19.txt -b TBS_50A_chr19.bam_sorted.bam
File | Total Coverage | Total Mappable Positions (bp) | Coverage |
TBS_14A_chr19.bam_sorted.bam.cov | 76001603 | 12251172 | 6.203619 |
TBS_14B_chr19.bam_sorted.bam.cov | 74028635 | 12251172 | 6.042576 |
TBS_18C_chr19.bam_sorted.bam.cov | 94881136 | 12251172 | 7.744658 |
TBS_26A_chr19.bam_sorted.bam.cov | 114096854 | 12251172 | 9.313138 |
TBS_50A_chr19.bam_sorted.bam.cov | 26082039 | 12251172 | 2.128942 |
This step visualizes the methylation distribution across samples at common CpG sites with a minimum of 4x coverage.
0. gunzip tab delimeted plain text CGmap files (BSSeeker2 methylation level file https://github.com/BSSeeker/BSseeker2)
CGmap Column description:
(1) chromosome
(2) nucleotide on Watson (+) strand
(3) position
(4) context (CG/CHG/CHH)
(5) dinucleotide-context (CA/CC/CG/CT)
(6) methylation-level = #_of_C / (#_of_C + #_of_T).
(7) #_of_C (methylated C, the count of reads showing C here)
(8) = #_of_C + #_of_T (all Cytosines, the count of reads showing C or T here)
gunzip *.CGmap.gz
- -in_sam = comma separated list of cgmap files converted by bisulfite treatment
- -out_sam = output tab delimeted file
- -cov_sam = minimum coverage filter, default 10
- -f_sam = context filter CG/CHH/CHG, default CG
python cgmap_data_frame.py -in_sam TBS_14A_chr19.CGmap,TBS_14B_chr19.CGmap,TBS_18C_chr19.CGmap,TBS_26A_chr19.CGmap,TBS_50A_chr19.CGmap -out_sam TBS_Common_Meth.txt -cov_sam 4
meth_df = read.table("TBS_Common_Meth.txt",header=TRUE,sep='\t',row.names=1)
labels = gsub("_chr19$","",colnames(meth_df))
colnames(meth_df) = labels
mdata <- reshape2::melt(meth_df, id.vars = NULL)
colnames(mdata) = c("Sample","Methylation")
ggplot(mdata,aes(x = Sample, y = Methylation))+ geom_violin() +xlab("Sample")+ylab("CpG Methylation Level")+ggtitle("") + theme(panel.grid.major = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor = element_blank(), panel.background = element_blank(), axis.line = element_line(colour = "black"))+ylim(0, 1.105)+theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 60, hjust = 1))
![Image of CpG Violin Plot] (https://github.com/ltlam/RRBS_SCP/blob/master/images/cpg_meth_dist_violin.png)
dSpear = cor(meth_df, use="pairwise.complete.obs", method="spearman")
dSpear.dist = as.dist(1-dSpear)
dSpear.tree = hclust(dSpear.dist, method="average")
plot(as.dendrogram(dSpear.tree),horiz=T,cex.lab=1, cex.axis=1, cex.main=0.5, cex.sub=0.5)
![Image of CpG Dendrogram] (https://github.com/ltlam/RRBS_SCP/blob/master/images/cpg_dendrogram.png)
The script will create a new methylation table (_frag.txt) that will include a fragment column (FRAG) for each CpG row from the sample methylation table.
- -m = mappable region file
- -f = input sample methylation table
python pos_to_frag.py -m RRBS_mappable_regions_chr19.txt -f TBS_Common_Meth.txt
The script will merge the CpGs/rows to the fragments into a new methylation table (_frag_avg.txt). The script will also add a new column (NUM_CG) to indicate the number of CpGs within the fragment.
python frag_avg.py -f TBS_Common_Meth_frag.txt