Most operations with arbitrary precision integers in Java are performed using java.math.BigInteger. j.m.BI is implemented in plain Java and is mature and ubiqious. However j.m.BI:
- uses ineffective algorithms (for instance, multiplication is performed using schoolgrade method)
- completely lacks some useful methods (for instance, sqrt).
- could accomodate short-cut methods which implement some often used operations effectively (lcm,factorials,binomials)
GMP4J is not only faster, but is much more feature rich.
GMP4J uses Java Native Interface to communicate to GMP - library for manipulation with arbitrary precision numbers. GMP4J links dynamically to GMP under unices and links statically to MPIR (GMP clone with better Windows support) under Windows. GMP4J supports both 32-bit and 64-bit platforms.
GMP4J intended to be drop-in replacement of j.m.BI: you need to simply change import "java.math.BigInteger" to "us.altio.gmp4j.BigInteger" - GMP4J is (mostly) API compliant with j.m.BI. You can face problems with methods operating with byte[], however - those methods expose internals of class too much. Those problems could be solved in future.
GMP4J provides many new convinience methods, in addition to those, defined in j.m.BI.
GMP4J objects are immutable, just like j.m.BI objects. Each operation returns new object, this implies copy for every operation in GMP4J. However, those expenses are negligible, comparing to benefits of advanced algorithms.
GMP4J benefits from operations on big input values. Operations on small inputs may be simply not algorithm-bounded. Gains are especially visible in multiplication, powering, toString. Some GMP4J operations are not faster than those, in j.m.BI: for instance shift left-right (GMP don't expose such operations, we simulate them), random number generation (GMP internally uses Mersenne Twister for PRNG, whereas java SecureRandom uses linear generator and hash, which is generally faster). To give you orders of performance increase, here is results of
Fibonacci/Takashi: n GMP4j JMB 5000 0 5 10000 0 20 20000 0 40 40000 0 44 80000 3 89 160000 3 283 320000 7 973 640000 21 3972 1280000 70 15276 PIDigits: length GMP4j JMB 1000 67 347 2000 126 384 3000 240 515 4000 368 715 5000 427 980 6000 557 1392 7000 630 1781 8000 995 2228 9000 1122 2861 10000 1241 3513 11000 1524 4189 12000 1956 4916 13000 2042 5799 14000 2047 6717 15000 2201 7798
GMP4J was designed to run on both unices and windows as first-class platforms. Build on unices are done using gcc, builds on windows are done using MS VC. Tested on:
- Debian GNU/Linux squeeze(20110420), gcc i486-linux-gnu 4.4.4-1
- Windows 7, 32bit, Microsoft Visual Studio 2010
Ensure that you installed JDK, sane C compiler, GMP library and GMP library headers (usually in gmp-dev package of your distro). Ensure that $JAVA_HOME points to root directory of jdk. Navigate to gmp4j directory
cd gmp4j
Create "bin" direcrtory, if missing
mkdir bin
Run make
If make was successful, copy bin/ to somewhere in your library.path, for instance in bin directory of your jre/jdk.
cp bin/ $(dirname `which java`)
And add gmp4j.jar to your classpath.
Ensure that %JAVA_HOME% points to root directory of jdk. Open "Visual studio command prompt" (look in "Start" menu) Navigate to gmp4j directory
cd gmp4j
Create "bin" direcrtory, if missing
mkdir bin
Run nmake -f
nmake -f
If make was successful, copy bin/gmp4j.dll to somewhere in your library.path, for instance in bin directory of your jre/jdk. And add gmp4j.jar to your classpath.
N.B. for your convinience, prebuilt binaries of MPIR are included in package, you dont need to download and build MPIR separately, however, you may.
GMP4J uses native unmanaged memory for storing GMP BI objects. Each of this objects is associated with GMP4J BigInteger class. When GMP4J java BI object is garbage collected, native object is GC'd as well. However, unmanaged JNI memory is not tracked by JVM (JVM only tracks heap) - when there are actually a lot of native objects which can be GC'd, JVM see that there is a lot of free space in heap left, and don't run GC. It may be a good idea to run System.gc() when you suppose that there may be GMP4J objects for collection.
When building under cygwin, gcc may complain about code in jni_md.h. In that case replace line
typedef __int64 jlong;
with lines:
#ifdef __GNUC__
typedef long long jlong;
typedef __int64 jlong;
GMP4J comes with test suite. You may consult testsuite for some clues on usage.
This is free software licensed under GNU Lesser General Public License Version 3 Available at