A simple web-based Team Retrospective co-ordination tool.
This app is built as a Node/Express server, with socket.io providing real-time communication between the server and connected clients.
IMPORTANT: No assurances are made in respect of either the resilience or the security of data submitted to the hosted service. Although the hosted service does persist session data in a mongo database, it will periodically sweep and purge any sessions that have no connected users. This is to ensure that the size of the datastore remains within free usage limits.
You will need to have nodejs installed.
git clone https://github.com/alphaeadevelopment/retro-tool.git
cd retro-tool
npm install
npm start
Session data can be held in-memory or in mongodb.
To use mongo db, start the server as follows:
DAO=mongo MONGODB_URL=<mongodb_url> DATABASE_NAME=<database_name> npm start
Please feel free to fork this repository and submit pull requests, or send feedback/suggestions/bug reports to me directly at [email protected]