Created: 10/9/2020 By Johnny Duverseau
This website uses C#, ASP.NET, and MCV (plus, HTML, CSS, and Javascript) to manage the hair stylists and clients for Eau Claire's Salon in a database. The application allows the website user (e.g., salon manager) to see a list of hair stylists, view the clients of each hair stylist, and add new clients to the database.
The website is a student project created for Epicodus, a 6-month C#/React programming bootcamp.
When a user loads the web application, he or she will see a link to see the salon's stylists, a link to see the salon's clients, a link to a form to add a new Stylist, and a link to a form to add a new Client.
When a user clicks "See Stylist," they are taken to a page that includes the first and last name of each stylist.
When a user clicks "See Clients," they are taken to a page that includes the first and last name of each client.
When a user clicks "Add New Stylist," they are taken to a form where they can add a new Stylist including their first name, last name and the see the name of all of their clients to the Stylist database.
When a user clicks "Add New Client," they are taken to a form where can add a new Client including their first name, last name and see who is their Stylist and add to the Client database.
To set up and install, follow the instructions to clone the repository.
- To clone:
- Visit GitHub and clone the repository
- Open your terminal
- Type “git clone” in the terminal, paste the - GitHub URL, and press enter
- Type “code .” and the folder will open in your VScode
- Type “dotnet restore” and press enter
- Type” dotnet build” and press enter
- Type “dotnet run” in GitBash and your program will run
To set up the database, follow the instructions below.
- To set up: Create an appsettings.json file and add the code in the image below; don’t forget to change your password
"ConnectionStrings": {
"DefaultConnection": "Server=localhost;Port=3306;database=hair_salon;uid=root;pwd=password;"
- Open your terminal and type “dotnet restore”
- Then, type “dotnet run”
- Discord: duverseaujohnny21 #2298
- Email: [email protected]
- Visual Studio Code
- C#
- .NetCore _ Mvc
- bootstrap
- css
- MySql
Copyright (c) 2020 Johnny Duverseau
This software is licensed under the MIT license.