indent# Super Galactic Age Calculator Created: 9/11/2020 By Johnny Duverseau
This program allows you to convert the currency in USD to a foreign currency. The exchange rate is pulled by making a GET API call to ExchangeRate-API. The business logic also will return a notification that states the currency in question doesn't exist. This functionality exists in the business logic.)
When a user inputs a currency in USD and selects a foreign country with a dropdown, the program converts the currency in USD to the amount in that foreign currency. For example, a user:
- Input: 10 US Dollars
- Output: 13 Canadian Dollars
- open terminal
- cd desktop
- git clone
- cd currency-exchanger
- Open in vsCode
- touch .env
- Get An api_key for free from this website and choose the free option
- Store the api_key in the .env file
- EX: API_KEY = 123uh434trg
- npm install
- npm run build
- npm run start
- Discord: duverseaujohnny21 #2298
- Email: [email protected]
- Visual Studio Code
- Bootstrap
- Javascript
- JQuery
- Webpack
- Resources:
Copyright (c) 2020 Johnny Duverseau
This software is licensed under the MIT license.