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0.11.0 (15.02.2017)

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@pitagoras3 pitagoras3 released this 20 Jul 07:33
· 1276 commits to master since this release


(693) Owners instead of support teams

Replaces group and subscription support team, contact and technical owner with a
single notion – owner. Topics and subscriptions have assigned owners, groups no longer
do, so everyone can create a topic in any group.

Migration guide

After deployment to hermes-management you need to run a migration task.
It will initialise topic and subscription owners by assigning what used to be related group and subscription support teams.
Perform with admin credentials:

POST /migrations/support-team-to-owner?source=Plaintext (or source=Crowd if you used Crowd support teams)


(721) Creator must be an owner of created topic or subscription

(714) Don't match when queried nested field doesn't exist instead of failing

(726) Pass Avro validation errors to users


(717) NPE in Hermes frontend related to BlacklistZookeeperNotifyingCache