🗒️ Pin your notes quickly & easily using this pretty cool notes Pinning app!
🔗 Check it out by visiting the app's link here. You won't regret!
📱 App is Fully responsive, supporting all screen sizes!
A cool simple web app that helps users to add quick note pins & modify older ones by editing/deleting them. Each pinned note includes a title, note body, and a cool background picker to choose a favorite background color for a pinned-note. The app was Fully designed and developed by me, using primarly Next.js with its native hooks in addition to react hooks, while I used SASS preprocessor as usual for the styling, and LocalStorage to persist data (users' notes).
I've created this app on my free time as a side project. The idea came when I wanted to refresh my memory with using Array methods. So after a little time, I turned my litle chuncks of code & self memory-tests into this cool UI styled app. I tend to work on many side projects on my free time to keep a refreshed memory, while it's also a lot of fun! If you like what I do, hit me up & lets chat! P.S. I've already built a similar app to this last year, but with a little less engaging UI, called "PINTASK". It was a task tracking app, which persists users tasks and store the data using a fake JSON server, with a temprorary backend hosted at Heroku, while the site itself was hosted (and still live) using Firebase. Check it out here Pintask app.
Check out my Portfolio website & Github Profile for more cool projects.