This is an inofficial fork of an inofficial fork of "Nori: An educational ray tracer" that includes backports from version 1, to remove some of the startup overhead of implementing basic primitives such as ray tracing. While this allows programmings assignments to put more focus on higher-level light transport algorithms, we still encourage you to replace the given default implementations with your own toy implementations in order to advance your own practical skills.
git clone --recursive
cd nori
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Relese ..
cd ..
make -C build -j8
A more detailed guide can be found on the Nori website, Assignment 1.
vim ext/tbb/include/tbb/pipeline.h
cw is_trivially_copyable<press escape>
make -C build -j8
- Use Nori: ./build/nori test.exr
- Linux: Use HDRView (more features, requires some setup)
- Use some viewer of your choice, but make sure there is no weird tonemapping going on