Optikmer is a demonstration project for CSE 185 that estimates the k-mer length associated with the highest amount of distinct k-mers given one or more (filtered) fastq files. It is inspired by k-mer counting programs such as kmerGenie and jellyfish in terms of approximating the best k-mer length for de-novo assembly. See kmerGenie or jellyfish for more references.
Note: Installing and activating a virtual environment is highly recommended.
Once in your desired directory, optikmer can be installed with the following command:
pip install git+https://github.com/alicup29/Optikmer.git
If successfully installed, please refer to optikmer --help
for further options.
The basic usage of optikmer
optikmer [-k KMERS [KMERS ...]] [-o OUTPUT] filtered_read_1.fastq filtered_read_2.fasta ...
Note 1: If inputing compressed files (ex. fastq.gz and/or downloaded from NCBI), please uncompress with gunzip/zcat beforehand and use resulting fastq/fasta file.
Note 2: If specifying k-mer length(s), enter -k option FIRST, THEN -o to desired directory is required (. if current directory).
For example, the following command with analyze the fasta file ONLY with k=19, and output results to the current directory.
optikmer -k 19 -o . ~/Downloads/SRR28691205.fasta
Optikmer requires at least one filtered/trimmed fastq file, optional User specifications are below.
-k KMERS [KMERS ...]
,--kmers KMERS [KMERS ...]
: User specifed k-mers to estimate, default is
[11, 21, 31, 41, 51, 61, 71, 81, 91]
,--output OUTPUT
: Write to output DIRECTORY, default written to current directory.
1. Optikmer was installed and run with the following options:
: [19, 21]-o
(directory): results
1a. Open and activate virtual environment
1b. Install and check optikmer
1c. Ran with following command (dataset can be found in Optikmer/realdata/README.md)
2. All resulting files and images stored in ./results
3. Histogram report displays k-mer length with most unique k-mers at the top
Project assembled by:
- Amick Licup (ID: A17038320)
- Annapurna Saladi (ID: A17417895)
- Steven Nguyen (ID: A16858016)