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[incrementalSfM] add option to enable/disable track merging based on …
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almarouk authored and cbentejac committed Oct 26, 2023
1 parent fdd68ed commit 5141d75
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Showing 3 changed files with 126 additions and 90 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -246,7 +246,10 @@ std::size_t ReconstructionEngine_sequentialSfM::fuseMatchesIntoTracks()
const aliceVision::matching::PairwiseMatches& matches = *_pairwiseMatches;

ALICEVISION_LOG_DEBUG("Track building");, _featuresPerView->getData());
if (_params.mergeTracks), _featuresPerView->getData());

ALICEVISION_LOG_DEBUG("Track filtering");
tracksBuilder.filter(_params.filterTrackForks, _params.minInputTrackLength);
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Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -63,6 +63,7 @@ class ReconstructionEngine_sequentialSfM : public ReconstructionEngine
EFeatureConstraint featureConstraint = EFeatureConstraint::BASIC;
float minAngleInitialPair = 5.0f;
float maxAngleInitialPair = 40.0f;
bool mergeTracks = false;
bool filterTrackForks = true;
robustEstimation::ERobustEstimator localizerEstimator = robustEstimation::ERobustEstimator::ACRANSAC;
double localizerEstimatorError = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
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210 changes: 121 additions & 89 deletions src/software/pipeline/main_incrementalSfM.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -105,95 +105,127 @@ int aliceVision_main(int argc, char **argv)
"Path to the output SfMData file.");

po::options_description optionalParams("Optional parameters");
("featuresFolders,f", po::value<std::vector<std::string>>(&featuresFolders)->multitoken(),
"Path to folder(s) containing the extracted features.")
("matchesFolders,m", po::value<std::vector<std::string>>(&matchesFolders)->multitoken(),
"Path to folder(s) in which computed matches are stored.")
("outputViewsAndPoses", po::value<std::string>(&outputSfMViewsAndPoses)->default_value(outputSfMViewsAndPoses),
"Path to the output SfMData file (with only views and poses).")
("extraInfoFolder", po::value<std::string>(&extraInfoFolder)->default_value(extraInfoFolder),
"Folder for intermediate reconstruction files and additional reconstruction information files.")
("describerTypes,d", po::value<std::string>(&describerTypesName)->default_value(describerTypesName),
("interFileExtension", po::value<std::string>(&sfmParams.sfmStepFileExtension)->default_value(sfmParams.sfmStepFileExtension),
"Extension of the intermediate file export.")
("maxNumberOfMatches", po::value<int>(&maxNbMatches)->default_value(maxNbMatches),
"Maximum number of matches per image pair (and per feature type). "
"This can be useful to have a quick reconstruction overview. 0 means no limit.")
("minNumberOfMatches", po::value<int>(&minNbMatches)->default_value(minNbMatches),
"Minimum number of matches per image pair (and per feature type). "
"This can be useful to have a meaningful reconstruction with accurate keypoints. 0 means no limit.")
("minInputTrackLength", po::value<int>(&sfmParams.minInputTrackLength)->default_value(sfmParams.minInputTrackLength),
"Minimum track length in input of SfM.")
("minAngleForTriangulation", po::value<double>(&sfmParams.minAngleForTriangulation)->default_value(sfmParams.minAngleForTriangulation),
"Minimum angle for triangulation.")
("minAngleForLandmark", po::value<double>(&sfmParams.minAngleForLandmark)->default_value(sfmParams.minAngleForLandmark),
"Minimum angle for landmark.")
("maxReprojectionError", po::value<double>(&sfmParams.maxReprojectionError)->default_value(sfmParams.maxReprojectionError),
"Maximum reprojection error.")
("minAngleInitialPair", po::value<float>(&sfmParams.minAngleInitialPair)->default_value(sfmParams.minAngleInitialPair),
"Minimum angle for the initial pair.")
("maxAngleInitialPair", po::value<float>(&sfmParams.maxAngleInitialPair)->default_value(sfmParams.maxAngleInitialPair),
"Maximum angle for the initial pair.")
("minNumberOfObservationsForTriangulation", po::value<std::size_t>(&sfmParams.minNbObservationsForTriangulation)->default_value(sfmParams.minNbObservationsForTriangulation),
"Minimum number of observations to triangulate a point.\n"
"Set it to 3 (or more) reduces drastically the noise in the point cloud, but the number of final poses is a little bit reduced (from 1.5% to 11% on the tested datasets).\n"
"Note: set it to 0 or 1 to use the old triangulation algorithm (using 2 views only) during resection.")
("initialPairA", po::value<std::string>(&initialPairString.first)->default_value(initialPairString.first),
"UID or filepath or filename of the first image.")
("initialPairB", po::value<std::string>(&initialPairString.second)->default_value(initialPairString.second),
"UID or filepath or filename of the second image.")
("lockAllIntrinsics", po::value<bool>(&sfmParams.lockAllIntrinsics)->default_value(sfmParams.lockAllIntrinsics),
"Force lock of all camera intrinsic parameters, so they will not be refined during Bundle Adjustment.")
("minNbCamerasToRefinePrincipalPoint", po::value<int>(&sfmParams.minNbCamerasToRefinePrincipalPoint)->default_value(sfmParams.minNbCamerasToRefinePrincipalPoint),
"Minimal number of cameras to refine the principal point of the cameras (one of the intrinsic parameters of the camera). "
"If we do not have enough cameras, the principal point in consider is considered in the center of the image. "
"If minNbCamerasToRefinePrincipalPoint<=0, the principal point is never refined. "
"If minNbCamerasToRefinePrincipalPoint==1, the principal point is always refined.")
("useLocalBA,l", po::value<bool>(&sfmParams.useLocalBundleAdjustment)->default_value(sfmParams.useLocalBundleAdjustment),
"Enable/Disable the Local bundle adjustment strategy.\n"
"It reduces the reconstruction time, especially for big datasets (500+ images).")
("localBAGraphDistance", po::value<int>(&sfmParams.localBundelAdjustementGraphDistanceLimit)->default_value(sfmParams.localBundelAdjustementGraphDistanceLimit),
"Graph-distance limit setting the Active region in the Local Bundle Adjustment strategy.")
("nbFirstUnstableCameras", po::value<std::size_t>(&sfmParams.nbFirstUnstableCameras)->default_value(sfmParams.nbFirstUnstableCameras),
"Number of cameras for which the bundle adjustment is performed every single time a camera is added, leading to more stable "
"results while the computations are not too expensive since there is not much data. Past this number, the bundle adjustment "
"will only be performed once for N added cameras.")
("maxImagesPerGroup", po::value<std::size_t>(&sfmParams.maxImagesPerGroup)->default_value(sfmParams.maxImagesPerGroup),
"Maximum number of cameras that can be added before the bundle adjustment is performed. This prevents adding too much data "
"at once without performing the bundle adjustment.")
("bundleAdjustmentMaxOutliers", po::value<int>(&sfmParams.bundleAdjustmentMaxOutliers)->default_value(sfmParams.bundleAdjustmentMaxOutliers),
"Threshold for the maximum number of outliers allowed at the end of a bundle adjustment iteration."
"Using a negative value for this threshold will disable BA iterations.")
("localizerEstimator", po::value<robustEstimation::ERobustEstimator>(&sfmParams.localizerEstimator)->default_value(sfmParams.localizerEstimator),
"Estimator type used to localize cameras (acransac (default), ransac, lsmeds, loransac, maxconsensus)")
("localizerEstimatorError", po::value<double>(&sfmParams.localizerEstimatorError)->default_value(0.0),
"Reprojection error threshold (in pixels) for the localizer estimator (0 for default value according to the estimator).")
("localizerEstimatorMaxIterations", po::value<std::size_t>(&sfmParams.localizerEstimatorMaxIterations)->default_value(sfmParams.localizerEstimatorMaxIterations),
"Max number of RANSAC iterations.")
("useOnlyMatchesFromInputFolder", po::value<bool>(&useOnlyMatchesFromInputFolder)->default_value(useOnlyMatchesFromInputFolder),
"Use only matches from the input matchesFolder parameter.\n"
"Matches folders previously added to the SfMData file will be ignored.")
("filterTrackForks", po::value<bool>(&sfmParams.filterTrackForks)->default_value(sfmParams.filterTrackForks),
"Enable/Disable the track forks removal. A track contains a fork when incoherent matches leads to multiple features in the same image for a single track.\n")
("useRigConstraint", po::value<bool>(&sfmParams.rig.useRigConstraint)->default_value(sfmParams.rig.useRigConstraint),
"Enable/Disable rig constraint.\n")
("rigMinNbCamerasForCalibration", po::value<int>(&sfmParams.rig.minNbCamerasForCalibration)->default_value(sfmParams.rig.minNbCamerasForCalibration),
"Minimal number of cameras to start the calibration of the rig.\n")
("lockScenePreviouslyReconstructed", po::value<bool>(&lockScenePreviouslyReconstructed)->default_value(lockScenePreviouslyReconstructed),
"Lock/Unlock scene previously reconstructed.\n")
("observationConstraint", po::value<EFeatureConstraint>(&sfmParams.featureConstraint)->default_value(sfmParams.featureConstraint),
"Use of an observation constraint : basic, scale the observation or use of the covariance.\n")
("computeStructureColor", po::value<bool>(&computeStructureColor)->default_value(computeStructureColor),
"Compute each 3D point color.\n")
("useAutoTransform", po::value<bool>(&useAutoTransform)->default_value(useAutoTransform),
"Transform the result with the alignment method 'AUTO'.\n")
("randomSeed", po::value<int>(&randomSeed)->default_value(randomSeed),
"This seed value will generate a sequence using a linear random generator. Set -1 to use a random seed.")
("logIntermediateSteps", po::value<bool>(&sfmParams.logIntermediateSteps)->default_value(logIntermediateSteps),
"If set to true, the current state of the scene will be dumped as an SfMData file every 3 resections.")
"featuresFolders,f", po::value<std::vector<std::string>>(&featuresFolders)->multitoken(), "Path to folder(s) containing the extracted features.")(
"Path to folder(s) in which computed matches are stored.")("outputViewsAndPoses",
"Path to the output SfMData file (with only views and poses).")(
"Folder for intermediate reconstruction files and additional reconstruction information files.")(
"Extension of the intermediate file export.")("maxNumberOfMatches",
"Maximum number of matches per image pair (and per feature type). "
"This can be useful to have a quick reconstruction overview. 0 means no limit.")(
"Minimum number of matches per image pair (and per feature type). "
"This can be useful to have a meaningful reconstruction with accurate keypoints. 0 means no limit.")(
"Minimum track length in input of SfM.")(
"Minimum angle for triangulation.")("minAngleForLandmark",
"Minimum angle for landmark.")(
"Maximum reprojection error.")("minAngleInitialPair",
"Minimum angle for the initial pair.")(
"Maximum angle for the initial pair.")(
"Minimum number of observations to triangulate a point.\n"
"Set it to 3 (or more) reduces drastically the noise in the point cloud, but the number of final poses is a little bit reduced (from 1.5% to 11% "
"on the tested datasets).\n"
"Note: set it to 0 or 1 to use the old triangulation algorithm (using 2 views only) during resection.")(
"UID or filepath or filename of the first image.")("initialPairB",
"UID or filepath or filename of the second image.")(
"Force lock of all camera intrinsic parameters, so they will not be refined during Bundle Adjustment.")(
"Minimal number of cameras to refine the principal point of the cameras (one of the intrinsic parameters of the camera). "
"If we do not have enough cameras, the principal point in consider is considered in the center of the image. "
"If minNbCamerasToRefinePrincipalPoint<=0, the principal point is never refined. "
"If minNbCamerasToRefinePrincipalPoint==1, the principal point is always refined.")(
"Enable/Disable the Local bundle adjustment strategy.\n"
"It reduces the reconstruction time, especially for big datasets (500+ images).")(
"Graph-distance limit setting the Active region in the Local Bundle Adjustment strategy.")(
"Number of cameras for which the bundle adjustment is performed every single time a camera is added, leading to more stable "
"results while the computations are not too expensive since there is not much data. Past this number, the bundle adjustment "
"will only be performed once for N added cameras.")(
"Maximum number of cameras that can be added before the bundle adjustment is performed. This prevents adding too much data "
"at once without performing the bundle adjustment.")(
"Threshold for the maximum number of outliers allowed at the end of a bundle adjustment iteration."
"Using a negative value for this threshold will disable BA iterations.")(
"Estimator type used to localize cameras (acransac (default), ransac, lsmeds, loransac, maxconsensus)")(
"Reprojection error threshold (in pixels) for the localizer estimator (0 for default value according to the estimator).")(
"Max number of RANSAC iterations.")("useOnlyMatchesFromInputFolder",
"Use only matches from the input matchesFolder parameter.\n"
"Matches folders previously added to the SfMData file will be ignored.")(
"Enable/Disable the track merging. The merging between two tracks is made when they have duplicate features coming from the same original "
"feature "
"(same describer type, same 2D position in the same view, same scale, but different rotations and different feature id).\n")(
"Enable/Disable the track forks removal. A track contains a fork when incoherent matches leads to multiple features in the same image for a "
"single track.\n")("useRigConstraint",
"Enable/Disable rig constraint.\n")(
"Minimal number of cameras to start the calibration of the rig.\n")(
"Lock/Unlock scene previously reconstructed.\n")(
"Use of an observation constraint : basic, scale the observation or use of the covariance.\n")(
"computeStructureColor", po::value<bool>(&computeStructureColor)->default_value(computeStructureColor), "Compute each 3D point color.\n")(
"Transform the result with the alignment method 'AUTO'.\n")(
"This seed value will generate a sequence using a linear random generator. Set -1 to use a random seed.")(
"If set to true, the current state of the scene will be dumped as an SfMData file every 3 resections.");

CmdLine cmdline("Sequential/Incremental reconstruction.\n"
"This program performs incremental SfM (Initial Pair Essential + Resection).\n"
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