For fast math typing in the study of math/CS theory.
This project contains only math related components. I found it more favorable to work with markdown becuase you don't get distracted by too much LaTeX formatting code.
These snippets come with two different versions:
is amazingly fast and is very enjoyable to use, especially for experienced Vimers.
Checkout Zathura for dynamic rendering of LaTeX code.
For VIM to recognize .tex as LaTeX file, type in command
:UltiSnips filetype=latex
:UltiSnipsAddFiletypes markdown.tex
within Vim,
(or add corresponding lines to .vimrc, ofc. )
For more details of UltiSnips, do :help UltiSnips and check the manual.
VSCode snippets work as a part of the auto-completion dynamic. VSCode has convenient open-source packages for real-time rendering which can save you tons of time of configuring Zathura..
However, VSCode would not pop up snippets by default(other than C/C++ on my end). You can press ^+space for suggestions, or set quickSuggestions to true for a language you'd like to use snippets often.
To do that, press command+shift+P and choose Preferences: Configure Language Specific Setting and make sure you have the following JSON component(on MacOS):
"[markdown]": { "editor.quickSuggestions": true, },
Here is a very handy tool to convert between UltiSnips style snippets and JSONs for VSCode: (Thanks, Vincent! )
The motivation of this repo is from doing math homework/note-taking at UC Berkeley.
Work in progress. .
Contribution would be welcome and appreciated!