- -The user inputs the size of a planet in the form (x y).
- -Then, the user inputs the position and location of a robot in the form (x y z) where z is the orientation determined by N, S, E, W.
-Finally the user inputs the serie of instructions that the robot has to follow in the form L, R and F where L means turn left, R means turn righ and F means move forward.
- -When the user wants to stop adding robots, only has to input the word "finish"
If a robot falls, it will print the final position plus the work LOST
If a robot "falls" from the planet, it ill leave a "scent", preventing other robots to commit the same mistake and therefore prints the last save position.
- 1. Clone the repository to your computer
- 2. Go to the directory from command line
- 3. Compile using javac Main.java
- 4. Run using java Main
- 5. Follow the instructions that are shown in command line