Releases: alibaba/loongcollector
Loongcollector Alpha 版发布
经过几个月的努力与技术演进,现在 LoongCollector Alpha 版( 0.2 )发布,我们诚挚邀请广大开发者下载试用,并希望基于实际使用体验向我们提供宝贵的反馈意见。感谢您的支持!
LoongCollector 源自阿里云可观测性团队所开源的 iLogtail 项目,在继承了 iLogtail 强大的日志采集与处理能力的基础上,进行了全面的功能升级与扩展。从原来单一日志场景,逐步扩展为可观测数据采集、本地计算、服务发现的统一体。
LoongCollector 是一款集卓越性能、超强稳定性和灵活可编程性于一身的数据采集器,专为构建下一代可观测 Pipeline 设计。愿景是:打造业界领先的“统一可观测 Agent(Unified Observability Agent)”与“端到端可观测 Pipeline(End-to-End Observability Pipeline)”。
- 从日志到全面数据可观测
相对于 iLogtail 专注于日志采集,LoongCollector 将实现采集能力的全面升级,做到可观测采集的 OneAgent 化。
Input 插件(含文档) | 描述 | 状态(含提案,已发布的可不提供) |
input_container_stdio | 高性能、高可靠容器标准输出。 | 已发布 |
service_kubernetes_meta | 定时采集Kubernetes元数据,包括Pod、Deployment等资源及其之间的关系。 | 已发布 |
input_prometheus | 高性能 Prometheus 抓取。 | 开发中 Prometheus采集能力提案 |
input_file_security input_process_security input_network_security | 基于 eBPF 采集文件、进程、网络相关安全事件。 | 开发中 |
input_network_observer | 基于 eBPF 采集网络可观测数据。 | 已发布 网络可观测提案链接 |
主机指标 | 定时采集主机系统指标(CPU、内存等)和主机、进程元数据(工作目录、进程语言等) | 开发中 主机指标提案链接 |
- 性能与稳定性
K8s 标准输出采集性能、稳定性提升(已发布)
通过重构标准输出采集插件,推出了新版插件 input_container_stdio,该插件支持日志轮转队列,显著增强了标准输出采集的稳定性。
在性能方面,新插件表现优异,在 containerd 和 Docker 环境下,单行日志的平均采集速度分别达到了 250MB/s 和 150MB/s,相比旧版新版插件 service_docker_stdout,提升了至少100%。
日志典型场景:极简模式、多行切分性能提升 (已发布)
通过 Event 池化与内存零拷贝等手段,对框架组件的性能进行调优。
单行日志与多行日志的平均采集性能分别达到 300MB/s 和 125MB/s,单行日志采集相比 iLogtail 提升了100%。
基础稳定性 (已发布)
C++ 处理、发送队列实现 Pipeline 级隔离。
- 更灵活的编程管道
C++ 全面插件化(已发布):同时提供了充足的组件可供插件自由组合,极大地方便社区新增高性能的输入和输出能力,C++原生插件开发指南详见如何开发原生Input插件和如何开发原生Flusher插件。
C++ Input 可使用原生 Processor(已发布):C++ Input插件能够与原生及扩展的Processor插件配合使用,并支持SPL插件。这意味着C++ Input插件不仅可以利用原生Processor提供的高性能来解析日志,还能通过丰富的扩展Processor功能进一步处理日志,具体详情请参阅文档处理插件和输入插件。
Golang Input 可使用原生 Processor (开发中):Go Input 支持多种灵活的数据源输入,而原生处理插件提供了高性能的数据处理。结合两者的优势,可以构建出既高效又能适应多种应用场景的数据处理流水线。详见 Issue。
SPL 处理模式(已发布):SPL 处理模式支持用户通过 SPL 语句实现对数据的处理。无需编写代码开发插件,极大地拓展了 LoongCollector 可应用的场景。详见文档 SPL 处理。
整体进展:协议完成、客户端支持、服务端开发中。 [Discussion] ConfigServer v2 Implementation
iLogtail 开源初期有较多历史包袱,造成了工作目录结构不清晰。LoongCollector 专门进行了目录结构优化,将配置、日志、运行数据等进行分离。
- 自监控全面优化,更完整、清晰展示 Loongcollector 自身运行状态
针对 Loongcollector 的自监控指标,进行了全面的优化改进,使得自身运行状态的展示更加完整和清晰。用户可以直观地了解到各项指标的实时变化,快速定位潜在问题。此外,通过合理的数据分类和分级展示,用户可以更方便地进行系统调优和资源管理,从而提高整体运行效率。我们将自监控指标改造为了内置 Pipeline,可以将自监控指标自定义发送到不同的位置。
- 全新的官网 (已发布)
鉴于 gitbook 网络不稳定,将官网移植到“可观测中文社区”,以便享受更便捷的文档服务。
eBPF 相关 Pipeline 支持的最低内核版本为 4.19,支持的架构为 x86 64 位,操作系统支持 Linux。
Prometheus 指标数据采集依赖 Operator 提供的 TargetAllocator 能力,暂未开源。
Windows 版暂未推出,敬请期待。
文件目录布局与文件命名跟 iLogtail 2.0 版本有所变化,如果某些环境对特定目录、文件有所依赖,则需要注意该变化。
部分自监控指标命名跟 iLogtail 2.0 版本不一致,LoongCollector 重新规范了所有自监控指标的命名和上报方式。
开发镜像升级,新增部分依赖库。使用 iLogtail 开发镜像开发 Loongcollector 会出现依赖库链接错误。建议使用loongcollector 开发镜像 2.0.5 版本及以上。
Filename | OS | Arch | SHA256 Checksum |
loongcollector-0.2.0.linux-amd64.tar.gz | Linux | x86-64 | loongcollector-0.2.0.linux-amd64.tar.gz.sha256 |
loongcollector-0.2.0.linux-arm64.tar.gz | Linux | arm64 | loongcollector-0.2.0.linux-arm64.tar.gz.sha256 |
Docker Image
Docker Pull Command
docker pull
Filename | OS | Arch | SHA256 Checksum |
loongcollector-0.1.0.linux-amd64.tar.gz | Linux | x86-64 | loongcollector-0.1.0.linux-amd64.tar.gz.sha256 |
loongcollector-0.1.0.linux-arm64.tar.gz | Linux | arm64 | loongcollector-0.1.0.linux-arm64.tar.gz.sha256 |
Docker Image
Docker Pull Command
docker pull
v2.0.7 release
All issues and pull requests are here.
- [public] [both] [fixed] fix: JSON truncation caused by escaped zero byte (#1594) (#1596)
- [public] [both] [fixed] fix core caused by concurrent use of non-thread-safe gethostbyname (#1611)
- [public] [both] [fixed] Fix issue that guage metric miss labels (#1618)
- [public] [both] [fixed] recover readers exactly from checkpoint (#1620) (#1635)
- [public] [both] [fixed] fix checkpoint dump idx in reader array (#1638)
- [public] [both] [fixed] fix: GTID Truncation Issue and Improve Consistency in Checkpoint Management (#1648)
- [public] [both] [fixed] suicide immediately when resource hard limit is met (#1649)
Filename | OS | Arch | SHA256 Checksum |
ilogtail-2.0.7.linux-amd64.tar.gz | Linux | x86-64 | ilogtail-2.0.7.linux-amd64.tar.gz.sha256 |
ilogtail-2.0.7.linux-arm64.tar.gz | Linux | arm64 | ilogtail-2.0.7.linux-arm64.tar.gz.sha256 |
Docker Image
Docker Pull Command
docker pull
What's Changed
- 2.0 hotfix: Resolve intermittent crash due to zero-byte reads in log reading by @Abingcbc in #1501
- add timeout warning by @Abingcbc in #1506
- fix: Fixed the issue of missing Profile data when the Pipeline contains a Golang plugin. by @linrunqi08 in #1521
- fix timeout force read when still can read by @Abingcbc in #1551
- backport some feature from main to 2.0 by @linrunqi08 in #1553
- [backport] fix: disable nanosecond timestamp when only EnableTimestampNanosecond is enabled (#1528) by @henryzhx8 in #1552
- [backport] fix: JSON truncation caused by escaped zero byte (#1594) by @yyuuttaaoo in #1596
- [backport] recover readers exactly from checkpoint by @Abingcbc in #1635
- [backport] fix checkpoint dump idx in reader array by @Abingcbc in #1638
- [backport 2.0] fix: GTID Truncation Issue and Improve Consistency in Checkpoint Management by @yyuuttaaoo in #1648
Full Changelog: v2.0.4...v2.0.7
v2.0.4 release
All issues and pull requests are here.
- [public] [both] [added] Improve sender log condition to record valuable debug info (#1359)
- [public] [both] [added] wait for read flush timeout instead of flushing last line immediately on file deletion (#1418)
- [public] [both] [added] refactor logic of last matched line (#1426)
- [public] [both] [added] test: add a case to test timeformat without year (#1432)
- [public] [both] [added] Update chatgroup image (#1445)
- [public] [both] [added] refactory: enable move for SourceBuffer (#1457)
- [public] [both] [added] summer-ospp-2024 (#1461)
- [public] [both] [added] default enable spl (#1475)
- [public] [both] [added] allow empty endpoint in enterprise flusher_sls to avoid unsuccessful load of config (#1486)
- [public] [both] [fixed] fix dockershim cause containerd invalid (#1424)
- [public] [both] [fixed] fix: correct pipeline version recognition issue (#1427)
- [public] [both] [fixed] fix: refactor multiline split state (#1410)
- [public] [both] [fixed] fix: update base image to resolve 'Illegal instruction' error on old CPUs (#1429)
- [public] [both] [fixed] ensure config name in golang config and ctx matching C++ config name (#1437)
- [public] [both] [fixed] fix missing user agent info (#1444)
- [public] [both] [fixed] fix plugin alarm with default version (#1443)
- [public] [both] [fixed] fix: make LOGTAIL_LOG_LEVEL env variable effective for ilogtail.LOG (#1440)
- [public] [both] [fixed] Fix parameter errors for container metadata preview. (#1430)
- [public] [both] [fixed] fix: Ensure alarms raised during collection for profile projects are reported (#1455)
- [public] [both] [fixed] fix missing uuid and incorrect instance id (#1476)
- [public] [both] [doc] document: fix document for flusher pulsar (#1460)
Filename | OS | Arch | SHA256 Checksum |
ilogtail-2.0.4.linux-amd64.tar.gz | Linux | x86-64 | ilogtail-2.0.4.linux-amd64.tar.gz.sha256 |
ilogtail-2.0.4.linux-arm64.tar.gz | Linux | arm64 | ilogtail-2.0.4.linux-arm64.tar.gz.sha256 |
Docker Image
Docker Pull Command
docker pull
v1.8.8 release
All issues and pull requests are here.
- [public] [both] [added] Processor rate limit #1321
- [public] [both] [fixed] Fix apsara base field parse error #1307
- [public] [both] [fixed] Fix microsecond handling in Apsara log parser #1309
- [public] [both] [fixed] Resolve unintended Go module loading caused by high-precision timestamp settings #1336
- [public] [both] [fixed] Ensure process is able to exit when history file import is ever used #1369
- [public] [both] [fixed] Fix missing Connection_string tag in Skywalking database Span #1407
- [public] [both] [fixed] Maintain sequential info of the original log content and allow multivalue for single key for apsara processor #1416
- [public] [both] [fixed] Improve sender log condition to record valuable debug info #1419
Filename | OS | Arch | SHA256 Checksum |
ilogtail-1.8.8.linux-amd64.tar.gz | Linux | x86-64 | ilogtail-1.8.8.linux-amd64.tar.gz.sha256 |
ilogtail-1.8.8.linux-arm64.tar.gz | Linux | arm64 | ilogtail-1.8.8.linux-arm64.tar.gz.sha256 |
Docker Image
Docker Pull Command
docker pull
v2.0.0 release
iLogtail 2.0 is a completely new version with upgraded architecture, and its configuration files are not fully compatible with the 1.x version. For the upgrade guide, please refer to the change log #1294 and example configs.
The configuration method of version 2.0 perfectly supports cascading between C++ native plugins and cascading between C++ native plugins and Go plugins. At the same time, it introduces a more efficient data processing language, SLS Processing Language (SPL), making on-device data processing more effortless.
All issues and pull requests are here.
- [public] [both] [added] add input and flusher interface #1184
- [public] [both] [added] complete pipeline definition #1185
- [public] [both] [added] support V2 config #1188
- [public] [both] [added] Support jsonline protocol #1265
- [public] [both] [added] Support SPL processor in ilogtail for enhanced data processing #1278
- [public] [both] [added] add UsingOldContentTag. When UsingOldContentTag is set to false, the Tag is now placed in the Meta instead of Logs during cgo #1169
- [public] [both] [added] Upgrade environment variable logic using new Pipeline API for logtail environment configuration management #1282
- [public] [both] [updated] improve source file structure #1182
- [public] [both] [updated] feat: add flusher_http queue buffer and async interceptor settings #1203
- [public] [both] [updated] Enhancing the vscode development experience #1219
- [public] [both] [updated] feat: add kafka net config MaxOpenRequests #1224
- [public] [both] [updated] feat: support labels for self_metric #1240
- [public] [both] [updated] Support contents only for loki flusher #1256
- [public] [both] [updated] Fix issue where container IP is occasionally empty for Kubernetes pods in HostNetwork mode #1280
- [public] [both] [updated] Improve goprofile plugin to support real local IP inclusion #1281
- [public] [both] [updated] Added a switch to control the loading of the processor_spl, which by default remains unloaded #1312
- [public] [both] [fixed] fix: resolve crash by setting CURLOPT_NOSIGNAL for thread safety #1283
- [public] [both] [fixed] fix: Prevent crash due to concurrent map access in Go plugin log processing #1284
- [public] [both] [fixed] Fix delimiter parsing for logs with leading spaces #1289
- [public] [both] [fixed] Fix timezone handling in native processors #1293
- [public] [both] [fixed] Fix log content duplication in ParseJsonNativeProcessor #1296
- [public] [both] [fixed] fix memory leak in ProcessorParseDelimiterNative #1300
- [public] [both] [fixed] fix: reset checkpoint dump time after dir registration completes to avoid log duplication #1291
- [public] [both] [fixed] Fix timestamp parsing compatibility issue for apsara log #1285
- [public] [both] [fixed] Fix: Delete mSourceKeyOverwritten in processorParseApsaraNative to prevent concurrency issues #1305
- [public] [both] [fixed] Fix apsara base field parse error and microsecond handling in Apsara log parser #1308
- [public] [both] [doc] update docs related to V2 config #1287
Filename | OS | Arch | SHA256 Checksum |
ilogtail-2.0.0.linux-amd64.tar.gz | Linux | x86-64 | ilogtail-2.0.0.linux-amd64.tar.gz.sha256 |
ilogtail-2.0.0.linux-arm64.tar.gz | Linux | arm64 | ilogtail-2.0.0.linux-arm64.tar.gz.sha256 |
Docker Image
Docker Pull Command
docker pull
v1.8.4 release
All issues and pull requests are here.
- [public] [both] [updated] Improve goprofile plugin to support real local IP inclusion #1281
- [public] [both] [fixed] fix panic when k8s_event.GetEventRecorder() is nil #1264
- [public] [both] [fixed] When REGEX_LOG is set, mTimeKey will be set to "time". #1272
- [public] [both] [fixed] [backport]fix: resolve crash by setting CURLOPT_NOSIGNAL for thread safety #1286
- [public] [both] [fixed] [backport]Fix delimiter parsing for logs with leading spaces #1288
- [public] [both] [fixed] [backport]Fix timezone handling in native processors #1293
- [public] [both] [fixed] [backport]Fix log content duplication in ParseJsonNativeProcessor #1295
- [public] [both] [fixed] [backport]fix memory leak in ProcessorParseDelimiterNative #1299
- [public] [both] [fixed] [backport] fix: reset checkpoint dump time after dir registration completes to avoid log duplication #1301
- [public] [both] [fixed] [backport]Fix timestamp parsing compatibility issue for apsara log #1302
- [public] [both] [fixed] Fix: remove content if native processor parse failed #1304
- [public] [both] [fixed] Fix issue where container IP is occasionally empty for Kubernetes pods in HostNetwork mode #1280
Filename | OS | Arch | SHA256 Checksum |
ilogtail-1.8.4.linux-amd64.tar.gz | Linux | x86-64 | ilogtail-1.8.4.linux-amd64.tar.gz.sha256 |
ilogtail-1.8.4.linux-arm64.tar.gz | Linux | arm64 | ilogtail-1.8.4.linux-arm64.tar.gz.sha256 |
Docker Image
Docker Pull Command
docker pull
v1.8.3 release
All issues and pull requests are here.
- [public] [both] [fixed] fix log duplication problem arised from #1216
- [public] [both] [fixed] fix plugin crash due to nil in container info
- [public] [both] [fixed] resolve issue with ProcessorParseDelimiterNative capturing next line data
- [public] [both] [fixed] correct premature file read termination triggered by sender back pressure
- [public] [both] [fixed] implement panic recovery mechanism in plugin export
- [public] [both] [fixed] resolve crash issue during Apsara log parsing
- [public] [both] [fixed] correct parsing errors in ProcessorParseApsaraNative with large buffer input
Filename | OS | Arch | SHA256 Checksum |
ilogtail-1.8.3.linux-amd64.tar.gz | Linux | x86-64 | ilogtail-1.8.3.linux-amd64.tar.gz.sha256 |
ilogtail-1.8.3.linux-arm64.tar.gz | Linux | arm64 | ilogtail-1.8.3.linux-arm64.tar.gz.sha256 |
Docker Image
Docker Pull Command
docker pull
v1.8.1 release
All issues and pull requests are here.
- [public] [both] [fixed] fix prometheus send wrong sls logs when reuse string memory
- [public] [both] [fixed] fix dropping jvm metrics when collecting multiple skywalking instances's data
- [public] [both] [fixed] fix elasticsearch flusher authentication tls config and http config
- [public] [both] [fixed] fix profiling wrong type when the different profiling type having same stack.
- [public] [both] [fixed] fix send local buffer failed when upgrade iLogtail from version earlier than 1.3.
- [public] [both] [fixed] change strptime_ns to parse %c format from "%x %X" to "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y" for consistent behavior with striptime.
- [public] [both] [fixed] fix topic key does not support underscore.
- [public] [both] [fixed] fix jmxfetch status error when exist multi jmxfetch config in the same machine.
- [public] [both] [fixed] fix increasing WSS memory issue in collected containers.
- [public] [both] [fixed] fix cannot log blacklist config error
Filename | OS | Arch | SHA256 Checksum |
ilogtail-1.8.1.linux-amd64.tar.gz | Linux | x86-64 | ilogtail-1.8.1.linux-amd64.tar.gz.sha256 |
ilogtail-1.8.1.linux-arm64.tar.gz | Linux | arm64 | ilogtail-1.8.1.linux-arm64.tar.gz.sha256 |
Docker Image
Docker Pull Command
docker pull
v1.8.0 release
All issues and pull requests are here.
- [public] [both] [added] refactoried C++ process pipeline
- [public] [both] [added] support use accelerate processors with go processors
- [public] [both] [added] add new logtail metric module
- [public] [both] [added] ddd JSON flatten protocol, data can be flattened and then brushed into storage such as Kafka and ES.
- [public] [both] [added] use env
to control ilogtail log level - [public] [both] [added] add global host path blacklist
- [public] [both] [updated] support continue/end regex patterns to split multiline log
- [public] [both] [updated] support reader flush timeout
- [public] [both] [updated] flusher Kafka V2: support send the message with headers to kafka
- [public] [both] [updated] sls flusher supports nanosecond timestamp
- [public] [both] [updated] update gcc version to 9.3.1
- [public] [both] [updated] add make flag WITHOUTGDB
- [public] [both] [updated] cache incomplete line in memory to avoid repeated read system call
- [public] [both] [updated] unify metrics format
- [public] [both] [updated] verify host ip against NIC to get more accurate host ip
- [public] [both] [added] support plugin ProcessorParseTimestampNative
- [public] [both] [added] support plugin processor_otel_metric
- [public] [both] [updated] skywalking plugin support to capture
tag - [public] [both] [added] support plugin ProcessorParseApsaraNative
- [public] [both] [added] support plugin ProcessorParseDelimiterNative
- [public] [both] [added] support plugin ProcessorFilterNative
- [public] [both] [added] support plugin ProcessorDesensitizeNative
- [public] [both] [added] add resource tag for env created logtail config
- [public] [both] [fixed] remove the ip restrict of config server address, allow domain and hostname
- [public] [both] [fixed] add APSARA_LOG_TRACE to solve the problem of not being able to find LOG_TRACE.
- [public] [both] [fixed] fix collection duplication for statefulset sidecar that may mount same volume on different nodes
- [public] [both] [fixed] fix multiline is splitted if not flushed to disk together
- [public] [both] [fixed] fix line is truncated if \0 is in the middle of line
- [public] [both] [fixed] container cannot exit for file reopened by checkpoint
- [public] [both] [fixed] fix filename being mismatched to the deleted file if the deleted file size is 0 and their inode is same
- [public] [both] [fixed] fix config server panic caused by concurrent read and write shared object
- [public] [both] [fixed] add expand array switch in json processor for backward compatibility
- [public] [both] [fixed] timezone adjust not working with apsara_log
- [public] [both] [fixed] fix parse json without newline may result in partial parsing
- [public] [both] [fixed] fix json does not split correctly if beginning buffer contains invalid json
Filename | OS | Arch | SHA256 Checksum |
ilogtail-1.8.0.linux-amd64.tar.gz | Linux | x86-64 | ilogtail-1.8.0.linux-amd64.tar.gz.sha256 |
ilogtail-1.8.0.linux-arm64.tar.gz | Linux | arm64 | ilogtail-1.8.0.linux-arm64.tar.gz.sha256 |
Docker Image
Docker Pull Command
docker pull