An e-commerce site with cloud storage, third-party authentication and payment for people who want the rarest coffee beans and want them now
This app was deployed on Heroku at - heroku apps can be slow to load so it may be a good time to get a cup of coffee while you wait ☺️ ☕
React: A library that allows declarative programming with reusable components and uni-directional data flow
Redux: For switching from local to single + global sources of state in order to future-proof the app by making it scalable
Firebase: For users to manually sign-in and be authenticated/stored on the Firebase database
Google API: For users to be authenticated and sign-in with their Google accounts
Node + Express: Used as a backend for the processing of Stripe payments
Stripe API: For users to easily pay for their items
If cloning this repo, you'll need the following:
- Firebase account with configuration details like apiKey (add to the src/firebase/firebase.utils.js file)
- Gmail account for 3rd party sign-in and authentication (enabled via the Firebase authentication tab)
- A Stripe account to use its API for payments (add the secret key to the dotenv file and require it in Express)
- Once downloaded, run this terminal command in both the root and client folder of the project: npm install
- Use terminal command in both root and client to open the app in a browser: npm start
- Set up security in the firebase console's Cloud Firestore section's Rules tab