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Fenix is a desktop web server for developers. Check out fenixwebserver.com for details. There's also a companion command line app. There are some YouTube videos available as well.
Main App:
Webhook Browser
The wiki has additional information about how Fenix works, how to hack on it, and how to use it on other platforms. The release history has older versions and a changelog.
- The OpenUI5 SDK is known to cause an issue with Fenix. See issue #15 for details.
If you're using Fenix and find it useful, let everyone know! I've started a crude list of companies that are using Fenix.
Making a donation will go towards the development of Fenix. At the moment, I'd love to reach a simple goal of $100 in annual contributions so I can obtain an Apple Developer license for Fenix... which is the only application I'm distributing on Mac. This would help prevent the "Cannot install from unidentified developer" annoyance some OSX Mavericks users experience. Other contributions would go towards future efforts like hosting a public SSH tunnel (to take some load off localtunnel.me) and new feature development.
Fenix 2.0 is available under the GPL license.