This site is a simple site to manage employees
and jobs
You can install dependencies for both front & backend by going to their directories and running:
npm install
After that you can start backend and front-end by going into their directories and running:
npm run start
Frontend address: http://localhost:3000
Backed address: http://localhost:3300
These are the technologies used in this project:
- Typescript
- NestJs
- Vitest
- React
- Bootstrap5
E2E Testing:
- Cypress
- TypeORM
- Sqlite
You can view backend Open API Specification by going into /docs
route. (http://localhost:3300/docs
You can run the end-to-end tests for this application as follows:
cd cypress-automation
npm run test
If you found any bugs, or you want to add a new feature, open a pull request, your branch name convention should match this pattern:
- Bug: fix/backend/name; fix/front-end/name; fix/cypress/name
- Feature: feat/backend/name; feat/front-end/name; feat/cypress/name
You can view application screenshots inside .assets/screenshots