Docs/language guide #316
GitHub Actions / Test results
Feb 21, 2025 in 1s
376 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped
✔️ test-results.xml
376 tests were completed in 219s with 376 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
✔️ src/compile-options.spec.ts
✔️ determineOutDir > returns the correct out dir
✔️ determineOutDir > returns the correct out dir
✔️ determineOutDir > returns the correct out dir
✔️ determineOutDir > returns the correct out dir
✔️ determineOutDir > returns the correct out dir
✔️ determineOutDir > returns the correct out dir
✔️ determineOutDir > returns the correct out dir
✔️ determineOutDir > returns the correct out dir
✔️ determineOutDir > returns the correct out dir
✔️ determineOutDir > returns the correct out dir
✔️ determineOutDir > returns the correct out dir
✔️ determineOutDir > returns the correct out dir
✔️ determineOutDir > returns the correct out dir
✔️ determineOutDir > returns the correct out dir
✔️ determineOutDir > returns the correct out dir
✔️ determineOutDir > returns the correct out dir
✔️ determineOutDir > returns the correct out dir
✔️ determineOutDir > returns the correct out dir
✔️ determineOutDir > returns the correct out dir
✔️ determineOutDir > returns the correct out dir
✔️ determineOutDir > returns the correct out dir
✔️ determineOutDir > returns the correct out dir
✔️ determineOutDir > returns the correct out dir
✔️ determineOutDir > returns the correct out dir
✔️ determineOutDir > returns the correct out dir
✔️ determineOutDir > returns the correct out dir
✔️ determineOutDir > returns the correct out dir
✔️ determineOutDir > returns the correct out dir
✔️ determineOutDir > returns the correct out dir
✔️ determineOutDir > returns the correct out dir
✔️ src/util/arc4-signature-parser.spec.ts
✔️ arc4 signature parser > can parse valid types > byte parses
✔️ arc4 signature parser > can parse valid types > byte[] parses
✔️ arc4 signature parser > can parse valid types > byte[5] parses
✔️ arc4 signature parser > can parse valid types > bool parses
✔️ arc4 signature parser > can parse valid types > bool[] parses
✔️ arc4 signature parser > can parse valid types > bool[12] parses
✔️ arc4 signature parser > can parse valid types > uint8 parses
✔️ arc4 signature parser > can parse valid types > uint8[] parses
✔️ arc4 signature parser > can parse valid types > uint8[12] parses
✔️ arc4 signature parser > can parse valid types > uint16 parses
✔️ arc4 signature parser > can parse valid types > uint16[] parses
✔️ arc4 signature parser > can parse valid types > uint16[12] parses
✔️ arc4 signature parser > can parse valid types > uint32 parses
✔️ arc4 signature parser > can parse valid types > uint32[] parses
✔️ arc4 signature parser > can parse valid types > uint32[12] parses
✔️ arc4 signature parser > can parse valid types > uint64 parses
✔️ arc4 signature parser > can parse valid types > uint64[] parses
✔️ arc4 signature parser > can parse valid types > uint64[12] parses
✔️ arc4 signature parser > can parse valid types > uint128 parses
✔️ arc4 signature parser > can parse valid types > uint128[] parses
✔️ arc4 signature parser > can parse valid types > uint128[12] parses
✔️ arc4 signature parser > can parse valid types > uint256 parses
✔️ arc4 signature parser > can parse valid types > uint256[] parses
✔️ arc4 signature parser > can parse valid types > uint256[12] parses
✔️ arc4 signature parser > can parse valid types > string parses
✔️ arc4 signature parser > can parse valid types > string[] parses
✔️ arc4 signature parser > can parse valid types > string[12] parses
✔️ arc4 signature parser > can parse valid types > byte[][][] parses
✔️ arc4 signature parser > can parse valid types > byte[2][2][2] parses
✔️ arc4 signature parser > can parse valid types > (bool) parses
✔️ arc4 signature parser > can parse valid types > (bool,string,uint8,(uint16,string[]),bool[])[1][] parses
✔️ arc4 signature parser > errors on invalid types > float returns error Expecting string 'uint', got 'floa...'
✔️ arc4 signature parser > errors on invalid types > uint2 returns error n must be between 8 and 512, and a multiple of 8
✔️ arc4 signature parser > errors on invalid types > (uint8,uint2) returns error n must be between 8 and 512, and a multiple of 8
✔️ arc4 signature parser > errors on invalid types > uint8[ returns error Expecting character ']', but got end of input.
✔️ arc4 signature parser > errors on invalid types > uint8] returns error Expecting ',', '[', or ')', but got ]
✔️ arc4 signature parser > errors on invalid types > uint8,uint8 returns error Signature contained more than one type. Wrap multiple types in parentheses to declare a tuple type
✔️ arc4 signature parser > errors on invalid types > (uint8 returns error Tuple has not been closed
✔️ arc4 signature parser > errors on invalid types > (uint8,bool)) returns error Char ')' has no matching opening '('
✔️ src/util/base-32.spec.ts
✔️ base-32 encoding > encode and decode should return same value > Uint8Array[]
✔️ base-32 encoding > encode and decode should return same value > Uint8Array[ 1 ]
✔️ base-32 encoding > encode and decode should return same value > Uint8Array[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ]
✔️ base-32 encoding > encode and decode should return same value > Uint8Array[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
✔️ base-32 encoding > encode and decode should return same value > Uint8Array[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
✔️ tests/approvals.spec.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile Unoptimized > tests/approvals/abi-decorators.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile Unoptimized > tests/approvals/accounts.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile Unoptimized > tests/approvals/arc-28-events.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile Unoptimized > tests/approvals/arc4-encode-decode.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile Unoptimized > tests/approvals/arc4-hybrid.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile Unoptimized > tests/approvals/arc4-method-selector.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile Unoptimized > tests/approvals/arc4-struct.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile Unoptimized > tests/approvals/arc4-types.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile Unoptimized > tests/approvals/array-destructuring.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile Unoptimized > tests/approvals/array-literals.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile Unoptimized > tests/approvals/assert-match.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile Unoptimized > tests/approvals/asset-proxy.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile Unoptimized > tests/approvals/avm11.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile Unoptimized > tests/approvals/biguint-expressions.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile Unoptimized > tests/approvals/boolean-conversions.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile Unoptimized > tests/approvals/boolean-expressions.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile Unoptimized > tests/approvals/box-enum-contract.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile Unoptimized > tests/approvals/box-proxies.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile Unoptimized > tests/approvals/byte-expressions.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile Unoptimized > tests/approvals/call-expressions.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile Unoptimized > tests/approvals/casting.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile Unoptimized > tests/approvals/conditional-expression.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile Unoptimized > tests/approvals/destructured-params.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile Unoptimized > tests/approvals/destructuring-iterators.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile Unoptimized > tests/approvals/do-loops.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile Unoptimized > tests/approvals/ensure-budget.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile Unoptimized > tests/approvals/extract-bytes.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile Unoptimized > tests/approvals/for-loops.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile Unoptimized > tests/approvals/for-of-loops.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile Unoptimized > tests/approvals/global-state.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile Unoptimized > tests/approvals/implicit-create.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile Unoptimized > tests/approvals/inheritance-a.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile Unoptimized > tests/approvals/inheritance-b.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile Unoptimized > tests/approvals/intrinsic-calls.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile Unoptimized > tests/approvals/itxn.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile Unoptimized > tests/approvals/jsdoc.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile Unoptimized > tests/approvals/local-state.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile Unoptimized > tests/approvals/logic-sig.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile Unoptimized > tests/approvals/match-expr.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile Unoptimized > tests/approvals/multi-inheritance.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile Unoptimized > tests/approvals/mutable-arrays.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile Unoptimized > tests/approvals/named-types.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile Unoptimized > tests/approvals/native-arrays.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile Unoptimized > tests/approvals/non-arc4.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile Unoptimized > tests/approvals/numeric-literal-expressions.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile Unoptimized > tests/approvals/object-destructuring.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile Unoptimized > tests/approvals/ops.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile Unoptimized > tests/approvals/pre-approved-sale.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile Unoptimized > tests/approvals/precompiled-apps.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile Unoptimized > tests/approvals/precompiled-factory.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile Unoptimized > tests/approvals/prefix-postfix-operators.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile Unoptimized > tests/approvals/property-ordering.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile Unoptimized > tests/approvals/reserve-scratch.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile Unoptimized > tests/approvals/shadowed-variables.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile Unoptimized > tests/approvals/state-totals.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile Unoptimized > tests/approvals/strings.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile Unoptimized > tests/approvals/super-calls.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile Unoptimized > tests/approvals/switch-statements.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile Unoptimized > tests/approvals/uint64-expressions.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile Unoptimized > tests/approvals/while-loops.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile O1 > tests/approvals/abi-decorators.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile O1 > tests/approvals/accounts.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile O1 > tests/approvals/arc-28-events.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile O1 > tests/approvals/arc4-encode-decode.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile O1 > tests/approvals/arc4-hybrid.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile O1 > tests/approvals/arc4-method-selector.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile O1 > tests/approvals/arc4-struct.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile O1 > tests/approvals/arc4-types.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile O1 > tests/approvals/array-destructuring.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile O1 > tests/approvals/array-literals.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile O1 > tests/approvals/assert-match.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile O1 > tests/approvals/asset-proxy.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile O1 > tests/approvals/avm11.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile O1 > tests/approvals/biguint-expressions.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile O1 > tests/approvals/boolean-conversions.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile O1 > tests/approvals/boolean-expressions.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile O1 > tests/approvals/box-enum-contract.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile O1 > tests/approvals/box-proxies.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile O1 > tests/approvals/byte-expressions.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile O1 > tests/approvals/call-expressions.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile O1 > tests/approvals/casting.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile O1 > tests/approvals/conditional-expression.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile O1 > tests/approvals/destructured-params.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile O1 > tests/approvals/destructuring-iterators.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile O1 > tests/approvals/do-loops.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile O1 > tests/approvals/ensure-budget.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile O1 > tests/approvals/extract-bytes.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile O1 > tests/approvals/for-loops.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile O1 > tests/approvals/for-of-loops.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile O1 > tests/approvals/global-state.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile O1 > tests/approvals/implicit-create.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile O1 > tests/approvals/inheritance-a.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile O1 > tests/approvals/inheritance-b.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile O1 > tests/approvals/intrinsic-calls.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile O1 > tests/approvals/itxn.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile O1 > tests/approvals/jsdoc.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile O1 > tests/approvals/local-state.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile O1 > tests/approvals/logic-sig.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile O1 > tests/approvals/match-expr.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile O1 > tests/approvals/multi-inheritance.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile O1 > tests/approvals/mutable-arrays.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile O1 > tests/approvals/named-types.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile O1 > tests/approvals/native-arrays.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile O1 > tests/approvals/non-arc4.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile O1 > tests/approvals/numeric-literal-expressions.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile O1 > tests/approvals/object-destructuring.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile O1 > tests/approvals/ops.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile O1 > tests/approvals/pre-approved-sale.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile O1 > tests/approvals/precompiled-apps.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile O1 > tests/approvals/precompiled-factory.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile O1 > tests/approvals/prefix-postfix-operators.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile O1 > tests/approvals/property-ordering.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile O1 > tests/approvals/reserve-scratch.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile O1 > tests/approvals/shadowed-variables.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile O1 > tests/approvals/state-totals.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile O1 > tests/approvals/strings.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile O1 > tests/approvals/super-calls.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile O1 > tests/approvals/switch-statements.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile O1 > tests/approvals/uint64-expressions.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile O1 > tests/approvals/while-loops.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile O2 > tests/approvals/abi-decorators.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile O2 > tests/approvals/accounts.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile O2 > tests/approvals/arc-28-events.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile O2 > tests/approvals/arc4-encode-decode.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile O2 > tests/approvals/arc4-hybrid.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile O2 > tests/approvals/arc4-method-selector.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile O2 > tests/approvals/arc4-struct.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile O2 > tests/approvals/arc4-types.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile O2 > tests/approvals/array-destructuring.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile O2 > tests/approvals/array-literals.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile O2 > tests/approvals/assert-match.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile O2 > tests/approvals/asset-proxy.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile O2 > tests/approvals/avm11.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile O2 > tests/approvals/biguint-expressions.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile O2 > tests/approvals/boolean-conversions.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile O2 > tests/approvals/boolean-expressions.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile O2 > tests/approvals/box-enum-contract.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile O2 > tests/approvals/box-proxies.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile O2 > tests/approvals/byte-expressions.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile O2 > tests/approvals/call-expressions.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile O2 > tests/approvals/casting.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile O2 > tests/approvals/conditional-expression.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile O2 > tests/approvals/destructured-params.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile O2 > tests/approvals/destructuring-iterators.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile O2 > tests/approvals/do-loops.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile O2 > tests/approvals/ensure-budget.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile O2 > tests/approvals/extract-bytes.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile O2 > tests/approvals/for-loops.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile O2 > tests/approvals/for-of-loops.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile O2 > tests/approvals/global-state.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile O2 > tests/approvals/implicit-create.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile O2 > tests/approvals/inheritance-a.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile O2 > tests/approvals/inheritance-b.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile O2 > tests/approvals/intrinsic-calls.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile O2 > tests/approvals/itxn.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile O2 > tests/approvals/jsdoc.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile O2 > tests/approvals/local-state.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile O2 > tests/approvals/logic-sig.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile O2 > tests/approvals/match-expr.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile O2 > tests/approvals/multi-inheritance.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile O2 > tests/approvals/mutable-arrays.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile O2 > tests/approvals/named-types.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile O2 > tests/approvals/native-arrays.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile O2 > tests/approvals/non-arc4.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile O2 > tests/approvals/numeric-literal-expressions.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile O2 > tests/approvals/object-destructuring.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile O2 > tests/approvals/ops.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile O2 > tests/approvals/pre-approved-sale.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile O2 > tests/approvals/precompiled-apps.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile O2 > tests/approvals/precompiled-factory.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile O2 > tests/approvals/prefix-postfix-operators.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile O2 > tests/approvals/property-ordering.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile O2 > tests/approvals/reserve-scratch.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile O2 > tests/approvals/shadowed-variables.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile O2 > tests/approvals/state-totals.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile O2 > tests/approvals/strings.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile O2 > tests/approvals/super-calls.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile O2 > tests/approvals/switch-statements.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile O2 > tests/approvals/uint64-expressions.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > Compile O2 > tests/approvals/while-loops.algo.ts
✔️ Approvals > There should be no differences to committed changes
✔️ tests/check-version.spec.ts
✔️ The puya version available for testing > must match the target version
✔️ tests/expected-output.spec.ts
✔️ Expected output > 'tests/expected-output/uint64-expressi…' > has expected output
✔️ Expected output > 'tests/expected-output/prefix-postfix-…' > has expected output
✔️ Expected output > 'tests/expected-output/object-destruct…' > has expected output
✔️ Expected output > 'tests/expected-output/numeric-literal…' > has expected output
✔️ Expected output > 'tests/expected-output/null-values.alg…' > has expected output
✔️ Expected output > 'tests/expected-output/not-supported.a…' > has expected output
✔️ Expected output > 'tests/expected-output/mutating-tuples…' > has expected output
✔️ Expected output > 'tests/expected-output/multi-inheritan…' > has expected output
✔️ Expected output > 'tests/expected-output/logic-sig.algo.…' > has expected output
✔️ Expected output > 'tests/expected-output/…' > has expected output
✔️ Expected output > 'tests/expected-output/extract-bytes.a…' > has expected output
✔️ Expected output > 'tests/expected-output/dynamic-imports…' > has expected output
✔️ Expected output > 'tests/expected-output/conditional-exp…' > has expected output
✔️ Expected output > 'tests/expected-output/cant-create.alg…' > has expected output
✔️ Expected output > 'tests/expected-output/byte-expression…' > has expected output
✔️ Expected output > 'tests/expected-output/biguint-express…' > has expected output
✔️ Expected output > 'tests/expected-output/array-literals.…' > has expected output
✔️ Expected output > 'tests/expected-output/array-destructu…' > has expected output
✔️ Expected output > 'tests/expected-output/arc4-types.algo…' > has expected output
✔️ Expected output > 'tests/expected-output/arc4-struct.alg…' > has expected output
✔️ Expected output > 'tests/expected-output/arc4-method-sel…' > has expected output
✔️ Expected output > 'tests/expected-output/arc4-hybrid.alg…' > has expected output
✔️ Expected output > 'tests/expected-output/…' > has expected output
✔️ Expected output > 'tests/expected-output/abi-decorators.…' > has expected output
✔️ tests/onchain/abi-decorators.spec.ts
✔️ abi-decorators > can be created
✔️ abi-decorators > methods can be called
✔️ abi-decorators > overloaded methods can be called
✔️ abi-decorators > overrided methods work as expected
✔️ tests/onchain/accounts.spec.ts
✔️ accounts > returns account data
✔️ tests/onchain/arc-28-events.spec.ts
✔️ arc 28 events > It works with struct types
✔️ arc 28 events > It works with dynamic bytes
✔️ tests/onchain/arc4-hybrid.spec.ts
✔️ arc4-hybrid > works as expected
✔️ tests/onchain/arc4-method-selector.spec.ts
✔️ arc4 method selector > It gets the correct method selector
✔️ arc4 method selector > It gets the correct method selector when the method name is overridden in config
✔️ tests/onchain/arc4-types.spec.ts
✔️ arc4-types > runs
✔️ arc4-struct > testVectorCreationAndEquality
✔️ arc4-struct > add vectors
✔️ arc4-struct > implicit casting and spreading
✔️ arc4-struct > to native
✔️ arc4-encode-decode > encoding
✔️ arc4-encode-decode > decoding
✔️ tests/onchain/array-destructuring.spec.ts
✔️ array destructuring > testNested
✔️ array destructuring > test
✔️ array destructuring > testLiteralDestructuring
✔️ tests/onchain/assert-match.spec.ts
✔️ assert match > it can be called
✔️ tests/onchain/asset-proxy.spec.ts
✔️ asset proxy contract > it runs
✔️ tests/onchain/box-enum-contract.spec.ts
✔️ box-enum-contract > can store and load enums
✔️ tests/onchain/box-proxies.spec.ts
✔️ BoxProxies > Should run
✔️ tests/onchain/byte-expressions.spec.ts
✔️ byte expressions > runs
✔️ tests/onchain/destructured-params.spec.ts
✔️ destructed params > Works from abi
✔️ destructed params > Works internally
✔️ tests/onchain/do-loops.spec.ts
✔️ do loops > testDo runs
✔️ do loops > testDoBreak runs
✔️ do loops > testDoContinue runs
✔️ tests/onchain/extract-bytes.spec.ts
✔️ Extract bytes contract > runs
✔️ tests/onchain/for-loops.spec.ts
✔️ for loops > basic
✔️ for loops > break
✔️ for loops > continue
✔️ for loops > labelled break
✔️ tests/onchain/for-of-loops.spec.ts
✔️ for loops > test_for_of_loop_tuple
✔️ for loops > test_for_of_loop_arc4_dynamic_array
✔️ for loops > test_for_of_loop_arc4_static_array
✔️ for loops > test_for_of_loop_native_immutable_array
✔️ for loops > test_for_of_loop_native_mutable_array
✔️ tests/onchain/global-state.spec.ts
✔️ global state base > test runs
✔️ global state arc4 > arc4 runs
✔️ tests/onchain/implicit-create.spec.ts
✔️ implicit-create > NoBare can be created
✔️ implicit-create > NoNoOp can be created
✔️ implicit-create > ExplicitBareCreateFromBase can be created
✔️ implicit-create > ExplicitAbiCreateFromBase can't be created with bare
✔️ implicit-create > ExplicitAbiCreateFromBase can be created with abi
✔️ tests/onchain/inheritance.spec.ts
✔️ inheritance > non arc4 > Simple contract can be created
✔️ inheritance > arc4 > ARC4 contract can be created
✔️ tests/onchain/itxn.spec.ts
✔️ itxn contract > test1 runs
✔️ itxn contract > test2 runs
✔️ itxn contract > test3 runs
✔️ itxn contract > test4 runs
✔️ tests/onchain/local-state.spec.ts
✔️ local state > it runs
✔️ tests/onchain/match-expr.spec.ts
✔️ match expr > it runs
✔️ tests/onchain/multi-inheritance.spec.ts
✔️ multi-inheritance > CommonBase has all state
✔️ multi-inheritance > BaseOne has all state
✔️ multi-inheritance > BaseTwo has all state
✔️ multi-inheritance > Multibase has all state
✔️ multi-inheritance > Multibase methods can all be called
✔️ multi-inheritance > MRO is depth first
✔️ multi-inheritance > super.class(...) can be used to target a specific base type
✔️ tests/onchain/mutable-arrays.spec.ts
✔️ mutable arrays > it runs
✔️ tests/onchain/native-arrays.spec.ts
✔️ native arrays > it runs
✔️ native arrays > works with arc4 values
✔️ native arrays > works with native structs
✔️ tests/onchain/ops.spec.ts
✔️ ops > runs
✔️ tests/onchain/precompiled.spec.ts
✔️ precompiled > Hello contract can be deployed
✔️ precompiled > HelloTemplate contract can be deployed
✔️ precompiled > HelloTemplateCustomPrefix contract can be deployed
✔️ precompiled > LargeProgram contract can be deployed
✔️ tests/onchain/prefix-postfix-operators.spec.ts
✔️ prefix postfix operators > it runs
✔️ tests/onchain/primitives.spec.ts
✔️ primitives > boolean > it can be called
✔️ primitives > uint64 > can be created
✔️ primitives > biguint > can be created
✔️ primitives > bytes > can be created
✔️ primitives > strings > can be joined
✔️ primitives > strings > can be interpolated
✔️ tests/onchain/property-ordering.spec.ts
✔️ Property ordering > it runs
✔️ tests/onchain/reserve-scratch.spec.ts
✔️ reserve scratch > ReserveScratchAlgo works
✔️ reserve scratch > SubReserveScratchAlgo works
✔️ tests/onchain/shadowed-variables.spec.ts
✔️ Shadowed variables > Should create and run
✔️ tests/onchain/state-totals.spec.ts
✔️ State totals > BaseWithState has correct totals
✔️ State totals > BaseWithState runs
✔️ State totals > SubClassWithState has correct totals
✔️ State totals > SubClassWithState runs
✔️ State totals > SubClassWithExplicitTotals has correct totals
✔️ State totals > ExtendsSubWithTotals has correct totals
✔️ State totals > ExtendsSubWithTotals runs
✔️ tests/onchain/super-calls.spec.ts
✔️ super calls > super contract runs
✔️ super calls > sub contract runs
✔️ super calls > sub sub contract runs
✔️ super calls > sub sub contract runs
✔️ tests/onchain/switch-statements.spec.ts
✔️ switch statements > runs
✔️ tests/onchain/while-loops.spec.ts
✔️ while loops > runs