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Releases: alfrdmalr/walktour

Rounded Mask

03 Dec 18:32
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Adds support for rounded mask corners with the maskRadius option.
Thanks @neoantox for the feature!

Bump dependencies

03 Dec 17:15
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Update a handful of outdated dependencies via dependabot.

Add support for custom mask

28 Dec 15:40
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Add new optional renderMask prop, which accepts a set of MaskOptions and returns a mask to be rendered in place of the default. The MaskOptions are identical to what is passed to the default mask, and are derived from the set of WalktourOptions + the current target element, if any.

Add Tooltip Orientation

01 Nov 15:07
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Add the tooltip's orientation to WalktourLogic so that consumers can potentially leverage that information. Bump to v5 due to a signature change for getPositionFromCandidates option (Coords to OrientationCoords).

update dependencies

01 Nov 14:40
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Bump some outdated dependencies through dependabot and yarn upgrade.

Tooltip-only updates

22 Jan 16:47
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In tooltip-only scenarios (target is unspecified, cannot be found, etc) the tooltip's position defaults to the center of the screen, but only at the time that step is initiated. Resizing the window would not cause an update, and the result was a tooltip that was off-center or even off screen entirely. Now, in tooltip-only cases, a quick recalculation of the tooltip's position is performed; if this calculation yields a different value from the current tooltip position, an update is scheduled (shouldUpdate returns true).

Fix: Clean Listeners When Hidden

06 Dec 19:18
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Fixed a bug where event listeners attached by the tour were not being removed when the tour was hidden or toggled off.

Next On Target Click

06 Dec 14:51
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Added nextOnTargetClick option, allowing the consumer to specify whether the tour should advance when the target is clicked.

Also added the optional async validateNextOnTargetClick callback, which determines if the tour should continue after the target is clicked. Useful if a target button does some fetching or rerendering that the next step relies on.

Updated customNextFunc to accept a second, optional fromTarget argument. This can be used to produce different behavior depending on how the next function gets called. Could be used to create "optional" steps that are only reached if the user decides to interact with the target.

Foreign Targets

03 Dec 21:25
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Added support for foreign targets, aka target elements that live outside the DOM tree created by the tour root element (rootSelector). The tooltip will have similar behavior to position: sticky; it will stay contained within the root container but will position itself as best it can with respect to the targeted element.

debounce/shouldUpdate refactor

03 Dec 18:48
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FIXED: Issue where applying movingTarget at the Tour level would cause stuttering/glitchy behavior due to desynced update calls.

Changed debounce to behave more like a traditional debounce: subsequent calls postpone the debounced function until a certain time has passed without any calls being made. This is similar to how certain browsers handle their resize events.

Also refactored shouldUpdate by breaking it into two pieces - shouldScroll and targetChanged - to allow that logic to be reused where needed.