Wemos D1 Mini Multi Sensor device for SensorLogger
- Sensors
- BMP280 (temperature, air pressure)
- DHT11 (temperature, humidity)
- DS18B20 (temperature)
- WiFi connection
- Register multi sensor device on the fly and store device ids to eeprom
- ESP deep sleep
- Board: LOLIN(WEMOS) D1 mini (ESP8266 3.1.2)
- Wire
- ESP8266WiFi
- WiFiUdp
- WiFiClient
- ESP8266HTTPClient
- OneWire 2.3.8
- DHT sensor library 1.4.6 by Adafruit
- DallasTemperature 3.9.0 by Miles Burton
- Adafruit_BMP280 Adafruit BMP2800 Library 2.6.8 by Adafruit
- ArduinoJson 5.13.5 by Benoit Blanchon
- rBase64 https://github.com/tschaban/rBase64
- NTPClient 3.2.1 by Fabrice Weinberg