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Alex Rabin edited this page Feb 2, 2022 · 2 revisions


Can add any of these data types to the allowedDropDataTypes parameter.

Filter Description
DropDataType.file Will let you drop any file.
DropDataType.image Will let you drop images. Will let you drop videos. Will let you drop audio files.
DropDataType.pdf Will let you drop pdf files.

NativeDropView Parameters

Parameter Type Description Platform
allowedDropDataTypes List<DropDataType>? Restricts the types of data that can be dropped Android, iOS
allowedDropFileExtensions List<String>? Restricts the types of files that can be dropped in the addition to files allowed by allowedDropDataTypes. All file types included in allowedDropDataTypes will be accepted if this null. Android, iOS
allowedTotal int Number of items allowed to be dropped at a time. Defaults to 0 (unlimited) iOS
child Widget The child widget to be contained in the DropView Android, iOS
created DropViewCreatedCallback Triggered when a DropViewController has been initiated Android, iOS
dataReceived DropviewDataReceivedCallback Triggered when the drop data has been received Android, iOS
loading DropViewLoadingCallback Triggered when the data has been dropped into the dropview and has begun processing Android, iOS
receiveNonAllowedItems bool Receive all dropped items if at least one item is allowed. Defaults to true. Android, iOS
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