Lets you inspect the url.
- Copy the /system/expressionengine/third_party/sherlock/ folder to your /system/expressionengine/third_party/ folder
Use to detect the type of page based on the url
{exp:sherlock:page_type} {if is_pagination} There are a lot of these. {/if} {if is_pagination && is_category} There are a lot of these to filter. {/if} {if page_type == 'category'} Lets filter these entries a little. {/if} {/exp:sherlock:page_type}
Get a category_id based upon a url segment
{exp:sherlock:category_id category_url_title="{segment_4}"} {exp:weblog:entries weblog="news" category="{category_id}"} <ul> <li><a href="{url_title_path="news"}">{title}</a></li> </ul> {/exp:weblog:entries} {/exp:sherlock:category_id}
Get query string variables out of the url
{exp:sherlock:get} <p>{get:name} - {get:gender}</p> {/exp:sherlock:get}
You also have access to all the parts of the url
{exp:sherlock:parts} <p>{protocal}://{host}:{port}{uri}</p> {if uri_part_1 == 'home'} <p>Home at last!</p> {/if} {/exp:sherlock:parts}
And you can decode url encode strings
{exp:sherlock:url_decode string="Cheese%20is%20awesome!"}
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