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feat: add DeepThunk
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William Sørensen committed Aug 16, 2024
1 parent 393d5e2 commit c4b021d
Showing 1 changed file with 169 additions and 0 deletions.
169 changes: 169 additions & 0 deletions Qpf/Qpf/Multivariate/Constructions/DeepThunk.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
import Mathlib.Data.QPF.Multivariate.Constructions.Comp
import Mathlib.Data.QPF.Multivariate.Constructions.Prj
import Mathlib.Data.QPF.Multivariate.Constructions.Cofix
import Qpf.Macro.Comp

namespace MvQPF

# DeepThunk
`DeepThunk` corresponds to the (co-)trace of a given polynomial functor.
These allows the original pfunctor to inject into them allowing for the most general state of a co-recursive principle.
## Stronger generaliziation
Currently the functors are mapped as follows `F := cofix f α in α` to `DT := cofix f (β ⊕ α) in α`.
This could be generalized to `DT := cofix f ( (β ⊕ α) × (F → F) )` which would allow for modifying the returned value of a deeper call.
Note this is still a QPF as (F → F) is constant, also note the function could not be (F → DT) as this would be unproductive
(think of the function that simply skips the first value then yields a recursive construct).
This generaliziation would be useful in expression streams of for example the natural numbers as:
codef nats : Colist ℕ := .cons 0 ( Nat.succ)
which would be productive though strange. This generalizes to nested guarded recursive structures.
Unproductive unguarded structures are limited in the same way they currently are.

This is a fresh sum-type that represents the actions that can be taken within a `DeepThunk`.
These are that a user can either
1. recall - hand responsibility back to the co-recursor
2. cont - continue constructing a DeepThunk
These we're previously represented as a sum type but
inductive DTSum (α β : Type u) : Type u
| recall (v : α)
| cont (v : β)

namespace DTSum
abbrev F := @TypeFun.ofCurried 2 DTSum

def box {Γ : TypeVec 2} : F Γ → QpfSum' Γ
| recall a => MvQPF.Sum.inl a
| cont b => MvQPF.Sum.inr b

def unbox {Γ : TypeVec 2} : QpfSum' Γ → F Γ
| ⟨i, f⟩ => match i with
| .fz => recall (f 1 .fz)
| .fs 0 => cont (f 0 .fz)

def equiv {Γ} : F Γ ≃ QpfSum' Γ :=
toFun := box
invFun := unbox
left_inv := by intro x; cases x <;> rfl
right_inv := by
intro x
rcases x with ⟨(i : PFin2 _), f⟩
dsimp only [box, unbox, Sum.inl, Sum.inr]
fin_cases i <;> {
simp only [Function.Embedding.coeFn_mk, PFin2.ofFin2_fs, PFin2.ofFin2_fz,
Fin2.instOfNatFin2HAddNatInstHAddInstAddNatOfNat, Nat.rec_zero]
apply congrArg
funext i; fin_cases i <;> (funext (j : PFin2 _); fin_cases j)

end DTSum

open DTSum in
instance : MvFunctor DTSum.F where
map f x := equiv.invFun <| f <| equiv.toFun <| x

open DTSum in
instance : MvQPF.IsPolynomial F :=
.ofEquiv _ equiv

namespace DeepThunk
abbrev innerMapper : Vec (TypeFun (n.succ)) n := (fun
| .fz => Comp DTSum.F !![Prj 1, Prj 0]
| .fs n => Prj (n.add 2))

/-- The actual higher order functor taking `cofix f α in α` to `cofix f (β ⊕ α) in α` -/
abbrev hoFunctor (F : TypeFun n) : TypeFun (n + 1) := Comp F innerMapper

instance : MvFunctor (!![Prj 1, @Prj (n + 2) 0] j) := by
rcases j with _|_|_|_
<;> simp only [Vec.append1]
<;> infer_instance
instance : MvQPF (!![Prj 1, @Prj (n + 2) 0] j) := by
rcases j with _|_|_|_
<;> simp only [Vec.append1]
<;> infer_instance

instance {i : Fin2 n} : MvFunctor (innerMapper i) := by cases i <;> infer_instance
instance {i : Fin2 n} : MvQPF (innerMapper i) := by cases i <;> infer_instance

abbrev Uncurried (F : TypeFun n) [MvFunctor F] [MvQPF F] := Cofix (hoFunctor F)

Between the original functor and the ⊕-composed functor there is an injection,
it occurs by taking the right step at every point co-recursively.
The instances of the hof will have this defined as a coercion.
def inject
{F : TypeFun n.succ} {α : TypeVec n}
[inst : MvFunctor F] [MvQPF F] : Cofix F α → DeepThunk.Uncurried F (α ::: β) :=
MvQPF.Cofix.corec fun v => by
let v := Cofix.dest v

have : (hoFunctor F (α.append1 β ::: Cofix F α)) = F (α.append1 (DTSum β (Cofix F α))) := by
simp only [hoFunctor, Comp]
funext i
simp only [innerMapper, TypeVec.append1]
cases i <;> rfl
rw [this]

have arr : TypeVec.Arrow (α ::: Cofix F α) (α ::: (DTSum β (Cofix F α))) :=
fun | .fz => fun a => by
simp only [TypeVec.append1] at a
simp only [TypeVec.append1]
exact .cont a
| .fs n => id

exact arr v

`DeepThunk.corec` is a co-recursive principle allowing partially yielding results.
It achives this by changing the recursive point to either the usual argument to the deeper call,
or continuing the structure.
def corec
{F : TypeFun n.succ} {α : TypeVec n}
[inst : MvFunctor F] [MvQPF F]
(f : β → Uncurried F (α ::: β))
: β → Cofix F α
:= (Cofix.corec fun v => by
have v := Cofix.dest v

have : hoFunctor F (α.append1 β ::: Cofix (hoFunctor F) (α ::: β)) = F (α ::: (DTSum β (Cofix (hoFunctor F) (α.append1 β)))) := by
simp only [hoFunctor, Comp]
funext i
simp only [innerMapper, TypeVec.append1]
cases i <;> rfl
rw [this] at v

have : TypeVec.Arrow (α ::: (DTSum β (Cofix (hoFunctor F) (α ::: β)))) (α ::: Cofix (hoFunctor F) (α ::: β)) := fun
| .fz => fun | .recall x => f x | .cont x => x
| .fs _ => id

exact this v
) ∘ f

end DeepThunk
`DeepThunk` is a higher-order functor used for partially yielding results in co-recursive principles.
It is defined by taking the cofix-point of the composition of the ⊕-functor and the `Base` functor.
For using this in co-recursive functions see `DeepThunk.corec`
abbrev DeepThunk (F : TypeFun n) [MvFunctor F] [MvQPF F] := DeepThunk.Uncurried F |> TypeFun.curried

end MvQPF

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