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faet: basic coind predicates
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William Sørensen committed Aug 16, 2024
1 parent 393d5e2 commit 015df09
Showing 1 changed file with 250 additions and 0 deletions.
250 changes: 250 additions & 0 deletions Qpf/CoindPredicates.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
import Std.Tactic.OpenPrivate
import Mathlib.Util.WhatsNew
import Mathlib.Data.Set.Basic
import Lean

open Lean Meta Elab.Command
open Elab (Modifiers elabModifiers)
open Elab.Term (BinderView)
open Parser.Term (namedArgument)
open PrettyPrinter (delab)

namespace Coind

namespace Parser
open Lean.Parser Lean.Parser.Command

def coind : Parser :=
leading_parser "coinductive " >> declId
>> Command.declSig
>> Lean.Parser.optional (symbol " :=" <|> " where")
>> many ctor
/- >> optDeriving -/

def declaration : Parser := leading_parser declModifiers false >> coind
end Parser

structure CoinductiveView.CtorView where
ref : Syntax
modifiers : Modifiers
declName : Name
binders : Array BinderView
type? : Option Term
deriving Inhabited

structure CoinductiveView : Type where
ref : TSyntax ``Parser.declaration
declId : TSyntax ``Parser.Command.declId
modifiers : Modifiers
shortDeclName : Name
declName : Name
levelNames : List Name
binders : Array BinderView
type : Term
ctors : Array CoinductiveView.CtorView
/- derivingClasses : Array Lean.Elab.DerivingClassView -/
/- computedFields : Array Lean.Elab.Command.ComputedFieldView -/
deriving Inhabited

namespace CoinductiveView

open private toBinderViews from Lean.Elab.Binders in
private def toBViews (stx : Syntax) : CommandElabM $ Array Elab.Term.BinderView := do
let x ← liftTermElabM $ stx.getArgs.mapM toBinderViews
return x.flatten

def CtorView.ofStx (declName : Name) (modifiers : Modifiers) (ref : Syntax) : CommandElabM CtorView := do
let mut ctorModifiers ← elabModifiers ref[2]
if let some leadingDocComment := ref[0].getOptional? then
if ctorModifiers.docString?.isSome then
logErrorAt leadingDocComment "duplicate doc string"
ctorModifiers := { ctorModifiers with docString? := TSyntax.getDocString ⟨leadingDocComment⟩ }
if ctorModifiers.isPrivate && modifiers.isPrivate then
throwError "invalid 'private' constructor in a 'private' inductive datatype"
if ctorModifiers.isProtected && modifiers.isPrivate then
throwError "invalid 'protected' constructor in a 'private' inductive datatype"

checkValidCtorModifier ctorModifiers
let ctorName := ref.getIdAt 3
let ctorName := declName ++ ctorName
let ctorName ← withRef ref[3] $ Elab.applyVisibility ctorModifiers.visibility ctorName
let (binders, type?) := Elab.expandOptDeclSig ref[4]
addDocString' ctorName ctorModifiers.docString?
Elab.addAuxDeclarationRanges ctorName ref ref[3]

let binders ← toBViews binders

return { ref, modifiers := ctorModifiers, declName := ctorName, binders, type? := type?.map (⟨·⟩) }

open private toBinderViews from Lean.Elab.Binders in
def ofStx (stx : Syntax) : CommandElabM CoinductiveView := do
let modifiers ← elabModifiers stx[0]
let decl := stx[1]
let (binders, type) := Elab.expandDeclSig decl[2]!

let binders ← toBViews binders

let declId := ⟨decl[1]⟩
let ⟨shortDeclName, declName, levelNames⟩ ← expandDeclId declId.raw modifiers

let ctors ← decl[4].getArgs.mapM $ CtorView.ofStx declName modifiers

Lean.Elab.addDeclarationRanges declName decl

let out := {
ref := ⟨decl⟩


type := ⟨type⟩



-- TODO: Here a check should be done to ensure that the ret-type is Prop

return out

end CoinductiveView

open Parser.Term in
abbrev bb : Lean.Parser.Parser := bracketedBinder
abbrev matchAltExprs : Lean.Parser.Parser := matchAlts

/- Since `bb` and `matchAltExprs` are aliases for `bracketedBinder`, resp. `matchAlts`,
we can safely coerce syntax of these categories -/
instance : Coe (TSyntax ``bb) (TSyntax ``bracketedBinder) where coe x := ⟨x.raw⟩
instance : Coe (TSyntax ``matchAltExprs) (TSyntax ``matchAlts) where coe x := ⟨x.raw⟩

def binderViewtoBracketedBinder (v : BinderView) : CommandElabM $ TSyntax ``Parser.Term.bracketedBinder := do match with
| .default => `(bb|( $(⟨⟩):ident : $(⟨v.type⟩) ))
| .implicit => `(bb|{ $(⟨⟩):ident : $(⟨v.type⟩) })
| .strictImplicit => `(bb|⦃ $(⟨⟩):ident : $(⟨v.type⟩) ⦄)
| .instImplicit => `(bb|[ $(⟨⟩):ident : $(⟨v.type⟩) ])

partial def typeToArgArr (type : Term) : Array Term × Term := List.toArray id $ go type.raw
where go
| Syntax.node _ ``Parser.Term.arrow #[hd, _, tail] => (⟨hd⟩ :: ·) id $ go tail
| rest => ⟨[], ⟨rest⟩⟩

deriving instance Repr for BinderView

def generateIs (view : CoinductiveView) : CommandElabM Unit := do
let v : Array Term ← view.ctors.mapM ctor

if v.size = 0 then throwErrorAt view.ref s!"{view.declName} coinductive predicate is isomorphic to False"

let p ← v.pop.foldlM (fun acc curr => `($acc ∨ $curr)) v.back
let stx ← `(command|
abbrev $(view.shortDeclName ++ `Is |> mkIdent) $(←view.binders.mapM binderViewtoBracketedBinder)* ($(view.shortDeclName |> mkIdent) : $(view.type)) : Prop := $p)

Lean.Elab.Command.elabCommand stx

ctor view := do
let .some type := view.type? | throwErrorAt view.ref "An coinductive predicate without a retty could better be expressed inductively" -- TODO: is this the case
let ⟨args, out⟩ := typeToArgArr type
let ⟨inputBinders, dualizedBinders⟩ := view.binders.foldl (fun ⟨a, b⟩ v =>
if (out.raw.find? (· == then ⟨v :: a, b⟩ else ⟨a, v :: b⟩
) $ [] []

-- Currently, here, it assocaites the wrong way TODO: make it assocaite the right way
let args := args.reverse
let body ← if args.size = 0 then `(True)
else args.pop.foldlM (fun acc curr => `($acc ∧ $curr)) args.back

-- As ∃ is just Σ in u = 0, we represent possibly depdented values using ∃
let body ← dualizedBinders.foldlM (fun acc curr => `(∃ $(⟨⟩):ident : $(⟨curr.type⟩):term, $acc )) body
let body ← `(∀ $(List.toArray $ ←inputBinders.reverse.mapM binderViewtoBracketedBinder):bracketedBinder*, $out → $body)

return body

open Macro in
@[command_elab Coind.Parser.declaration]
def elabData : CommandElab := fun stx => do
let view ← CoinductiveView.ofStx stx

let ⟨argArr, out⟩ := typeToArgArr view.type
let .node _ ``Parser.Term.prop _ := out.raw | throwErrorAt out "Expected return type to be a Prop"

let argArr := (← argArr.mapM (fun _ => Elab.Term.mkFreshBinderName)).map mkIdent

generateIs view
let stx ← `(
def $(view.shortDeclName |> mkIdent) $(←view.binders.mapM binderViewtoBracketedBinder)* : $(view.type) :=
fun $argArr* => ∃ R, @$(view.shortDeclName ++ `Is |> mkIdent) $( (⟨·.id⟩)):ident* R ∧ R $argArr* )
Lean.Elab.Command.elabCommand stx
end Coind

namespace Test

structure FSM where
S : Type
d : S → Set S
A : Set S

coinductive Bisim (fsm : FSM) : fsm.S → fsm.S → Prop :=
| step {s t : fsm.S} :
(s ∈ fsm.A ↔ t ∈ fsm.A)
→ (∀ s' ∈ fsm.d s, ∃ t' ∈ fsm.d t, Bisim s' t')
→ (∀ t' ∈ fsm.d t, ∃ s' ∈ fsm.d s, Bisim s' t')
→ Bisim s t

example : Bisim f a a := by
exists fun a b => a = b
simp only [and_true]
intro s t seqt

example (h : Bisim f a b): Bisim f b a := by
rcases h with ⟨rel, relIsBisim, rab⟩
use fun a b => rel b a
intro a₁ b₁ holds
specialize relIsBisim holds
simp_all only [implies_true, and_self]

example (x : Bisim f a b) (y : Bisim f b c) : Bisim f a c := by
rcases x with ⟨wx, pix, rab⟩
rcases y with ⟨wy, piy, rac⟩
use fun a c => ∃ b, wx a b ∧ wy b c
· intro a c ⟨b, wab, wbc⟩
specialize pix wab
specialize piy wbc
rcases pix with ⟨⟨aimpb, bdrivea⟩, adriveb⟩
rcases piy with ⟨⟨bimpc, cdriveb⟩, bdrivec⟩
simp_all only [true_and]
<;> intro v vmem
· specialize cdriveb v vmem
rcases cdriveb with ⟨wb, wbmem, rvwb⟩
specialize bdrivea wb wbmem
rcases bdrivea with ⟨wa, wamem, rvwa⟩
use wa
simp_all only [true_and]
use wb
· specialize adriveb v vmem
rcases adriveb with ⟨wb, wbmem, rvwb⟩
specialize bdrivec wb wbmem
rcases bdrivec with ⟨wc, wcmem, rvwc⟩
use wc
simp_all only [true_and]
use wb
· use b

end Test

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