This script can be used for offline testing of NodeJS AWS Lambda functions.
Install NodeJS locally - see here for the current version used in AWS:
I personally use 'n' to install and manage multiple versions of NodeJS:
npm install -g n
n 0.10.36
Install your npm modules as required.
Write your function in the index.js file and invoke it with:
Note: if you are using a different filename and/or handler specify these as arguments:
./lambdainvoke.js filename.js myhandler
If you are using the aws-sdk in your function add your AWS api keys to the 'aws-credentials.json' file.
Modify the event.json file to add your test event payload.
Example - SNS Notification event:
"Records": [
"EventSource": "aws:sns",
"EventVersion": "1.0",
"EventSubscriptionArn": "arn:aws:sns:EXAMPLE",
"Sns": {
"Type": "Notification",
"MessageId": "95df01b4-ee98-5cb9-9903-4c221d41eb5e",
"TopicArn": "arn:aws:sns:EXAMPLE",
"Subject": "TestInvoke",
"Message": "Hello from SNS!",
"Timestamp": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"SignatureVersion": "1",
"Signature": "EXAMPLE",
"SigningCertUrl": "EXAMPLE",
"UnsubscribeUrl": "EXAMPLE",
"MessageAttributes": {
"Test": {
"Type": "String",
"Value": "TestString"
"TestBinary": {
"Type": "Binary",
"Value": "TestBinary"