- Xilinx Design Tools 2021.2.1 (Vivado, Vitis, Vitis HLS)
- Siemens (Mentor Graphics) Questa Sim-64 2021.1
- Matlab R2022b
- Python 3.9
- Building Vivado projects (PL)
- Building Vitis projects (PS)
- Building Vitis HLS projects
- Matlab support
- Running multiple copy of image on the single host
- Questa Sim precompiled Xilinx libraries from the box
- Questa Sim rtl simulation
- Questa Sim rtl simulation with UVM
- Questa Sim rtl simulation with DPI support
- cocotb support
- compatibility with Jenkins
- port forwarding (for remote uploading firmware)
make build
make run
And cleaning:
make clean
For the tests run http server:
python3 -m http.server --bind