- Introduction: Cities as complex urban systems
- Modeling principles
- Urban data ecosystem
- Spatio-temporal nature of urban data
- Working with Census data
- Data acquisition and processing
- APIs
- Bringing together geo data
- Modeling principles
Datahub Minilab 4 - Travel Times (upd: mapping part solutions)
- Concepts of choice modeling
- Environmental impact of travel choices
Datahub Minilab 5 - Mode choice and VMT
- Exploratory data analysis
- How to specify a model
Datahub Minilab 6 - Mode choice data exploration
- Making predicitons
Datahub Minilab 7 - Nearest neighbor mode choice and solutions
- Confidence intervals
- Uncertainty in predictions
Datahub Minilab 8 - CI and uncertainty (no submission required)
Follow Piazza announcements: a Kaggle submissions link will be posted soon, but you can start working on the dataset right now!
The following minilab further helps you get started with the midterm. Submission is not required.
- Energy, renewables, demand and supply
- Cluster analysis
Datahub Minilab 11 - Energy demand and supply (submission required!)
Datahub Minilab 12 - Cluster analysis of EVs charging (optional, max of 5 bonus points)