STAR 2.7.6a --- 2020/09/19
Major new feature:
Output multimapping chimeric alignments in BAM format using
--chimMultimapNmax N>1 --chimOutType WithinBAM --outSAMtype BAM Unsorted [and/or] SortedByCoordinate
Many thanks to Sebastian @suhrig who implemented this feature!
A more detailed description from Sebastian in PR #802.
Minor features and bug fixes:
- Issue #1008: fixed the problem with Unmapped.out.mate? output for --soloType CB_samTagOut output.
- PR # 1012: fixed the bug with --soloCellFiltering TopCells option.
- Issue #786: fixed the bug causing the Different SJ motifs problem for overlapping mates.
- Issue #945: GX/GN can be output for all --soloType, as well as for non-solo runs.