Ember CLI addon for including polyfill.io
in your Ember application
ember install ember-cli-polyfill-io
You can provide configuration options through the config/environment.js
file in your Ember app. The properties align with the API provided by Polyfill.io, so use that for deeper documentation.
None of the following options are required, not even an empty polyfill-io
object; with no configuration, the polyfill will just be injected by itself.
module.exports = function() {
return {
'polyfill-io': {
// Custom URL to the polyfill, in case you are self-hosting
src: 'https://cdn.mysite.com/assets/polyfill.js',
// min: Whether or not to use the minified version of the polyfill
// Only applicable if using the default `src`
min: false,
// features: What you want to enable
features: [
// Supports a string format...
// ...and an object format
{ name: 'Array.prototype.find', always: false, gated: true }
// excludes: features to leave out
excludes: [
// flags: flags to add to all features
flags: [
// All other options just provide the value directly to the query param
ua: 'foo',
callback: 'bar',
unknown: 'baz',
rum: 0