An android app displaying neural generated cats from
- List cats with Tinder-like cards.
- Swipe right to add the cat to favorites.
- Share a cat from favorites by clicking on the picture.
- Single activity with fragments. No navigation lib is used in order to practice with FragmentManager.
- Hilt dependency injection.
- CardStackView to implement Tinder-like cards for cats.
- Room for storing Uri references to liked cats.
- Glide to display images in adapters without memory leaks.
- No libraries are used to download images to storage and their deletion in order to practice. Random cats fetching is implemented with generating a link to a file using a template and passing it to a trivial custom image downloader.
- Use FileProvier + implicit intent to share cats via messangers and other apps.
- Use Timber logging in order to prevent log calls removal before every release building.