very very light weight ajax on plain js
How to get:
Just add this in your source code
//TODO: add version independed link
<script src=""></script>
How to use:
url: 'https://someUrl.atSomeDomain', //required, string
method: 'GET' or 'POST', //not required, string
data: {}, //not required, object or FormData object
header: {}, //not required, object
beforeSend: function(){}, //not require, function or callback
onError: function(){}, //not require, function or callback
success: function(){}, //not require, function or callback
url: required, string, just url you want to send request
method: not required, string, in this moment only GET or POST are acceptable
data: not required, object or FormData object, you can eazily put here some form, for ex.: new FormData(document.querySelector('form[name="someName"]'))
and it will work
header: not required, object
beforeSend: not require, function or callback, function be executed before request been sended
onError: not require, function or callback, function be executed if request has no 200 answer
success: not require, function or callback, function be executed if request has 200 answer
This will work with all new versions of browsers, it may be work on IE 11 (but i don't sure, cause can't install it on my Mac, only one thing may not work in IE - let [name,value] of self._data
it eazy to replace with compatible code)
//Send GET request to