This is a private project developed with Armour grade
- Arduino IDE
- Arduino OLED display
- LOLIN WROOOM ESP32 LITE microcontroller
- Button
- Lithium Polymer Rechargable Battery 50mah 3.7V
Arduino OLED display to the microcontroler:
- GND -> GND
- VCC -> VCC
- SCL -> GPIO4
- SDA -> GPIO5
Button to the microcontroler:
One pin of the button is connected via 4k7 resistor to VCC (pull-up resistor) and also to GPIO32 (it must be an RTC pin because of deep sleep wakeup) of the microcontroller
The other pin is connected to the GND of the microcontroller
- Clone the git repository
- Upload the code to the microcontroller via Arduino IDE
Srdjan Srdić, Ninoslav Srdić