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SimilarityTS: Toolkit for the Evaluation of Similarity for multivariate time series

Table of Contents

Package Description

SimilarityTS is an open-source package designed to facilitate the evaluation and comparison of multivariate time series data. It provides a comprehensive toolkit for analyzing, visualizing, and reporting multiple metrics and figures derived from time series datasets. The toolkit simplifies the process of evaluating the similarity of time series by offering data preprocessing, metrics computation, visualization, statistical analysis, and report generation functionalities. With its customizable features, SimilarityTS empowers researchers and data scientists to gain insights, identify patterns, and make informed decisions based on their time series data.

A command line interface tool is also available at:

Available metrics

This toolkit can compute the following metrics:

  • kl: Kullback-Leibler divergence
  • js: Jensen-Shannon divergence
  • ks: Kolmogorov-Smirnov test
  • mmd: Maximum Mean Discrepancy
  • dtw Dynamic Time Warping
  • cc: Difference of co-variances
  • cp: Difference of correlations
  • hi: Difference of histograms

Available figures

This toolkit can generate the following figures:

  • 2d: the ordinary graphical representation of the time series in a 2D figure with the time represented on the x axis and the data values on the y-axis for

    • the complete multivariate time series; and
    • a plot per column.

    Each generated figure plots both the ts1 and the ts2 data to easily obtain key insights into the similarities or differences between them.

    2D Figure complete 2D Figure for used CPU percentage
  • delta: the differences between the values of each column grouped by periods of time. For instance, the differences between the percentage of cpu used every 10, 25 or 50 minutes. These delta can be used as a means of comparison between time series short-/mid-/long-term patterns.

    Delta Figure for used CPU percentage grouped by 10 minutes Delta Figure for used CPU percentage grouped by 25 minutes Delta Figure for used CPU percentage grouped by 50 minutes
  • pca: the linear dimensionality reduction technique that aims to find the principal components of a data set by computing the linear combinations of the original characteristics that explain the most variance in the data.

    PCA Figure
  • tsne: a tool for visualising high-dimensional data sets in a 2D or 3D graphical representation allowing the creation of a single map that reveals the structure of the data at many different scales.

    TSNE Figure 300 iterations 5 perplexity TSNE Figure 1000 iterations 5 perplexity
  • dtw path: In addition to the numerical similarity measure, the graphical representation of the DTW path of each column can be useful to better analyse the similarities or differences between the time series columns. Notice that there is no multivariate representation of DTW paths, only single column representations.

    DTW Figure for cpu


Install the package using pip in your local environment:

pip install similarity-ts


Users must create a new SimilarityTs object by calling its constructor and passing the following parameters.

  • ts1 This time series may represent the baseline or ground truth time series as a numpy array with shape [length, num_features].
  • ts2s A single or a set of time series as a numpy array with shape [num_time_series, length, num_features].


  • ts1 time-series and ts2s time-series file(s) must:
    • have the same dimensionality (number of columns)
    • not include a timestamp column
    • include only numeric values
  • all ts2s time-series must have the same length (number of rows).

If ts1 time-series is longer (more rows) than ts2s time-series, the ts1 time series will be divided in windows of the same length as the ts2s time-series.

For each ts2s time-series, the most similar window (*) from ts1 time series is selected.

Finally, metrics and figures that assess the similarity between each pair of ts2s time-series and its associated most similar ts1 window are computed.

(*) The metric used for the selection of the most similar ts1 time-series window per each ts2s time-series file is selectable. dtw is the default selected metric, however, any of the metrics are also available for this purpose. See the toolkit configuration section.

Minimal usage examples:

Usage examples can be found at:

  1. Compute metrics between random time series (ts1: one time series of lenght 200 and 2 dimensions and ts2: five time series of length 100 and 2 dimensions):

    import numpy as np
    from similarity_ts.similarity_ts import SimilarityTs
    ts1 = np.random.rand(200, 2)
    ts2s = np.random.rand(5, 100, 2)
    similarity_ts = SimilarityTs(ts1, ts2s)
    for ts2_name, metric_name, computed_metric in similarity_ts.get_metric_computer():
        print(f'{ts2_name}. {metric_name}: {computed_metric}')
  2. Compute metrics and figures between random time series and save figures:

    import os
    import numpy as np
    from similarity_ts.plots.plot_factory import PlotFactory
    from similarity_ts.similarity_ts import SimilarityTs
    def main():
        ts1 = np.random.rand(200, 2)
        ts2s = np.random.rand(5, 100, 2)
        similarity_ts = SimilarityTs(ts1, ts2s)
        for ts2_name, metric_name, computed_metric in similarity_ts.get_metric_computer():
            print(f'{ts2_name}. {metric_name}: {computed_metric}')
        for ts2_name, plot_name, generated_plots in similarity_ts.get_plot_computer():
            __save_figures(ts2_name, plot_name, generated_plots)
    def __save_figures(filename, plot_name, generated_plots):
        for plot in generated_plots:
            dir_path = __create_directory(filename, f'figures', plot_name)
            plot[0].savefig(f'{dir_path}{plot[0].axes[0].get_title()}.pdf', format='pdf', bbox_inches='tight')
    def __create_directory(filename, path, plot_name):
        if plot_name in PlotFactory.get_instance().figures_requires_all_samples:
            dir_path = f'{path}/{plot_name}/'
            original_filename = os.path.splitext(filename)[0]
            dir_path = f'{path}/{original_filename}/{plot_name}/'
        os.makedirs(dir_path, exist_ok=True)
        return dir_path
    if __name__ == '__main__':

Configuring the Toolkit

Users can provide metrics or figures to be computed/generated and some other parameterisation. The following code snippet creates a configuration object that should be passed to the SimilarityTs constructor:

def __create_similarity_ts_config():
    # The list of metrics names that will be computed
    metric_config = MetricConfig(['js', 'mmd']) 
    # The list of figure names that will be generated and the time step in seconds of the time series.
    plot_config = PlotConfig(['delta', 'pca'], timestamp_frequency_seconds=300)

    # Name of each time series of the ts2s set of time series
    ts2_names = ['ts2_1_name', 'ts2_2_name', 'ts2_3_name', 'ts2_4_name', 'ts2_5_name']
    # Name of the features
    header_names = ['feature1_name', 'feature2_name']
    # Creation of the configuration
      # stride for cutting the ts1 when needed
      # metric used for selecting the most similar window
    similarity_ts_config = SimilarityTsConfig(metric_config, plot_config,
                                              stride=10, window_selection_metric='kl',
                                              ts2_names=ts2_names, header_names=header_names)
    return similarity_ts_config

If no metrics nor figures are provided, the tool will compute all the available metrics and figures.

The following arguments are also available for fine-tuning:

  • timestamp_frequency_seconds: the frequency in seconds in which samples were taken. This is needed to generate the delta figures with correct time magnitudes. By default is 1 second.
  • stride: when ts1 time-series is longer than ts2s time-series the windows are computed by using a stride of 1 by default. Sometimes using a larger value for the stride parameter improves the performance by skipping the computation of similarity between so many windows.
  • window_selection_metric: the metric used for the selection of the most similar ts1 time-series window per each ts2s time-series file is selectable.dtw is the default selected metric, however, any of the metrics are also available for this purpose. See the toolkit configuration section.
  • ts2_names: name of each time series of the ts2s set of time series.
  • header_names: name of the features.

Extending the toolkit

Additionally, users may implement their own metric or figure classes and include them by using the MetricFactory or PlotFactory register methods. To ensure compatibility with our toolkit, they have to inherit from the base classes Metric and Plot.

The following code snippet is an example of how to introduce the Euclidean distance metric:
import numpy as np
from similarity_ts.metrics.metric import Metric

class EuclideanDistance(Metric):

    def __init__(self):
        super().__init__() = 'ed'

    def compute(self, ts1, ts2, similarity_ts):
        metric_result = {'Multivariate': self.__ed(ts1, ts2)}
        return metric_result

    def compute_distance(self, ts1, ts2):
        return self.__ed(ts1, ts2)

    def __ed(self, ts1, ts2):
        return np.linalg.norm(ts1 - ts2)

Afterward, this metric can be registered by using the register_metric(metric_class) method from MetricFactory as shown in the following code snippet:

import numpy as np
from similarity_ts.similarity_ts import SimilarityTs
from similarity_ts.metrics.metric_factory import MetricFactory
from ed import EuclideanDistance

ts1 = np.random.rand(200, 2)
ts2s = np.random.rand(5, 100, 2)
similarity_ts = SimilarityTs(ts1, ts2s)
for ts2_name, metric_name, computed_metric in similarity_ts.get_metric_computer():
    print(f'{ts2_name}. {metric_name}: {computed_metric}')

Similarly, new plots can be introduced. For instance a SimilarityPlotByCorrelation could be defined as:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from similarity_ts.plots.plot import Plot

class SimilarityPlotByCorrelation(Plot):

    def __init__(self, fig_size=(8, 6)):
        super().__init__(fig_size) = 'cc-plot'

    def compute(self, similarity_ts, ts2_filename):
        super().compute(similarity_ts, ts2_filename)
        n_features = self.ts1.shape[1]
        similarity = np.corrcoef(self.ts1.T, self.ts2.T)
        fig, ax = plt.subplots()
        im = ax.imshow(similarity, cmap='RdYlBu', vmin=-1, vmax=1)
        xticklabels = [f'ts1_{nfeatures_index}'for nfeatures_index in range(1, n_features+1)]
        xticklabels = xticklabels + [f'ts2_{nfeatures_index}'for nfeatures_index in range(1, n_features+1)]
        for i in range(n_features*2):
            for j in range(n_features*2):
                ax.text(j, i, f'{similarity[i, j]:.2f}', ha='center', va='center', color='black')

        cbar = ax.figure.colorbar(im, ax=ax)'Similarity', rotation=-90, va='bottom')
        return [(fig, ax)]

Afterward, this plot can be registered by using the register_plot(plot_class) method from PlotFactory as shown in the following code snippet that register the new metric and the new plot:

import os
import numpy as np
from similarity_ts.plots.plot_factory import PlotFactory
from similarity_ts.similarity_ts import SimilarityTs
from similarity_ts.metrics.metric_factory import MetricFactory
from ed import EuclideanDistance
from cc_plot import SimilarityPlotByCorrelation

def main():
    ts1 = np.random.rand(200, 2)
    ts2s = np.random.rand(5, 100, 2)
    similarity_ts = SimilarityTs(ts1, ts2s)
    for ts2_name, metric_name, computed_metric in similarity_ts.get_metric_computer():
        print(f'{ts2_name}. {metric_name}: {computed_metric}')
    for ts2_name, plot_name, generated_plots in similarity_ts.get_plot_computer():
        __save_figures(ts2_name, plot_name, generated_plots)

def __save_figures(filename, plot_name, generated_plots):
    for plot in generated_plots:
        dir_path = __create_directory(filename, f'figures', plot_name)
        plot[0].savefig(f'{dir_path}{plot[0].axes[0].get_title()}.pdf', format='pdf', bbox_inches='tight')

def __create_directory(filename, path, plot_name):
    if plot_name in PlotFactory.get_instance().figures_requires_all_samples:
        dir_path = f'{path}/{plot_name}/'
        original_filename = os.path.splitext(filename)[0]
        dir_path = f'{path}/{original_filename}/{plot_name}/'
    os.makedirs(dir_path, exist_ok=True)
    return dir_path

if __name__ == '__main__':


SimilarityTS toolkit is free and open-source software licensed under the MIT license.


Project PID2021-122208OB-I00, PROYEXCEL_00286 and TED2021-132695B-I00 project, funded by MCIN / AEI / 10.13039 / 501100011033, by Andalusian Regional Government, and by the European Union - NextGenerationEU.