Generating HTML documentation for oxi from Markdown files.
To keep things simple the Makefile will do all the work provided you followed these instructions:
- The Markdown files have a .md suffix.
- All Markdown files are in the top level directory.
- The is a bin/ directory containing
- "make" (no arguments) will create .html files from all .md files.
- "make clean" will simply delete all .html files.
You do not need to run "make clean" unless you have deleted or renamed .md files. pulls
from git://
every 15 minutes
and produces HTML pages from the latest commit (on branch master).
See for the log of the last rebuild.
Atom (RSS) feed generator is now active:
Note that for the generator to work correctly, git conventions for the commit message need to be observed:
- The first line should be brief, like a subject in an email. Brief: 50-60 characters is a good limit.
- Then a blank line.
- After that a longer message if further explanations are required. Additional blank lines to break down the message into paragraphs are OK.
- Make the recreation of .html files an atomic operation.