Django DRF project to calculate dates for recurrent actions
Based on dateutil ; it is possible to define rrules and dates and create rrulesets including or excluding rrulesets, rrules or datetimes.
The first goal is to get a list of dates, not datetimes.
To perform it :
- rrules are defined at '/planner/simplerules/',
- dates at '/planner/daterules/'
- rrulesets at '/planner/rulesets/'
- including or excluding elements from a rruleset at '/planner/rulesetelements/'
it is then possible to query a rruleset to get occurences on a time interval :
Content-Type: application/json
Vary: Accept
It is also possible to get next 10 occurences for a ruleset :
python makemigrations
python migrate
Load fixtures : python loaddata fixtures/planner.json
The second goal is to schedule tasks To create a schedule you must select a ruleset and a delta which is based on dateutil.relativedelta and then choose the daytime (hour, minute, second) delta configuration is accessible at http://localhost:8000/planner/deltas/
A task will be generated for each occurence in the ruleset. The task will have the "due_time" datetime set to the date of the ruleset occurence with the time of the day chosen in the schedule. The start of the task will be calculated from the due_time plus the dateutil.relativedelta calculated from the delta object associated in the schedule (which should be negative).
Via django shell it is possible to generate tasks with :
import datetime
start = datetime.datetime(2017,4,25)
end = datetime.datetime(2018,4,25)
s = Schedule.objects.get(id='uuid-xxx-xxx-xxx')
from planner.models import schedule_models
schedule_models.task_generate(s, start, end)
Alpha developpement
- Python 3.5.3
- Django 1.11.1
- make it as a library or django-app
- be able to change date of a task (without be regenerated by task_generate)
- manage timezones
- check for a task due_time to be after start
- ... suggestions welcomed