This repo builds a docker container for the protoc
command line utility, several gRPC plugins, and
several grpc tools. It is meant to provide a swiss army knife docker container for all your gRPC
needs. In multi-team environments this is essential to provide specific configurations to teammates and your CICD pipeline.
It is recommended to use this with grpckit/omniproto. omniproto
lets you declare your gRPC generation declartively. This repo
builds a docker container for grpckit
and omniproto
as an
Docker images for:
a default container with all the goodies. No cmd, args, or entrypoint defined.protoc
, containing the buf.buildtoolkit.omniproto
, to generate protos with omniproto
It is recommended to use omniproto
docker run -v $(pwd):/workspace --rm grpckit/omniproto
- Go's new protocolbuffer library,
- Gogo's Go fork, with gogo and gogofast
- Scala and Java native libraries
- grpc-web
- The following additions:
If you're having trouble, see Docker troubleshooting below.
is used for all images.
Example is grpckit/omniproto:1.28_0
for gRPC version 1.28
. The _0
suffix allows for inter-grpc releases as necessary. The latest
tag will always point to the most recent version.
It is highly recommend to pin to a specific gRPC version in your toolchain for repeatable builds.
Unlike the original namely/docker-protoc, this repo does not include extraneous
proto files like the Google APIs, or protos from plugin binaries like validator
. These protos should be included
with your source protos, preferably in a protorepo (a monorepo for protofiles) that's submoduled into your project.
In practice, assuming the system has proto files available outside the standard protobuf files fails, so it's
best to be explicit.
The omniproto command line repo has a simple makefile script to apply protofiles from other repos easily.
If you make changes, or add a container for another language compiler, this repo has simple scripts that can build projects. You can run the following within the all/ folder:
$ make build
This will build all of the known containers.
$ make push
This will build and push the containers to the org specified in