- Allow the user to select a test file to run
- Parse the test file and interpert events
- Run the test file while showing current status
- Clean shutdown when the file has finished running
We wanted to create a software workflow that was intuitive so that any user could easily program a FlyBox. We were working with the following assumptions:
- Once a test starts, the test parameters do not need to be changed.
- Tests are often small modifications to prior tests -- most tests are fundamentally pretty similar to each other.
- The software workflow should be designed for the current workflow and test parameters. We should design a software workflow that is intuitive and functional for current work methods and not try to plan for all future changes.
With these asumptions, we envisioned the following workflow:
- The user will go to an online web user interface and will be able to program a test visually with drag and drop blocks. Similar to how one can schedule events in a calander app.
- The user will be able to click a "download button" and the current test program will be downloaded as a ".txt" file. The user should also be able to "upload" a ".txt" file and be able to make modifications to prior tests.
- Once the user downlaods the file, they can put it onto an SD card. The SD card can hold multiple different flybox test profiles.
- The user will be able to insert the SD card into the FlyBox and, through a graphical interface, should be able to select which test program they want to run.
- The FlyBox will be able to interpert the ".txt" file and recreate the lighting patterns programed in the web UI.