Realization of the chat window layout with support for IE11+.
Although, very small by size, this test task was interesting to perform — it required usage of several unusual layout techniques (as a pentagon shaped image and visual hiding of a line behind text) and consideration of the best possible solutions on your own, omitted in the requirements (like usage of an alternative font and correction of typos in text).
Was realized as a part of AGIMA Frontend Developer test tasks.
- BEM naming convention,
- advanced layout techniques,
- “pixel perfect” accordance with layout template,
- UI/UX considerations,
- compatibility with IE11+,
- usage of SCSS capabilities.
To open the repo on your local machine use the following:
# clone the repo into the alanreidt-chat-layout folder
git clone alanreidt-chat-layout
cd alanreidt-chat-layout
# install the repo dependencies
npm install
Available commands are:
# to build the dev version and open it in a browser
npm run dev
# to build the production version into the docs folder
npm run build
You can reach the page at http://localhost:3000/.
I've tried to describe the markup as scalable as possible.
I have had this picture in the mind:
<div class="app">
<div class="app__container">
<div class="app__inner">
<div class="app__box">
<header class="app__header"></header>
<div class="app__body">
<div class="app__side-panel"></div>
<div class="app__chat-window">
<div class="chat-window">
<div class="chat-window__dialog"></div>
<div class="chat-window__panel"></div>
Slight difference in the message text corresponds to usage of the appropriate m-dash (—) symbols instead of the dash (-) and the n-dash (–).
As Proxima Nova font isn't free, it was replaced by Montserrat, using a smaller font-size for compatibility.
As the box background image is aligned arbitrarily, I haven't positioned it exactly as on the template. Moreover, I've replaced it by one with higher resolution for better quality, as it requires to be fixed relative to the viewport in order to accomplish the .date-divider
text effect.