A new board design for the amazing COATI Spider project, a small portable device for simultaneous interpretation.
- way less noise
- battery level indicator
- better gain control range
- USB-C port for power supply
- way longer battery runtime (8-50h)
- easier available components
- roughly 40€ for a new spider and 20€ for an upgrade board.
- An existing COATI spider case can be reused, only one additional cutout for the USB-C port is required.
- Changelog
- Ordering
- Parts list
- Gerber files: JLCPCB
- Building instructions
- Debugging
- Boardview and BOM
- Schematic
- Ordering
- Parts list
- Gerber files: JLCPCB
- Building instructions
- Debugging
- Boardview and BOM
- Schematic
GPLv3 (=open source♥)