Udagram is provided bu Udacity as an alternative starter project. The udagram application is a fairly simple application that includes all the major components of a Full-Stack web application.
- Node v14.15.1 (LTS)
- npm 6.14.8 (LTS)
- AWS CLI v2
- A RDS database running Postgres.
- A S3 bucket for hosting uploaded pictures.
All requested screenshots included into this repo under screenshots
You can preview some of them hereunder, click on below links to view:
- CircleCI first build step.
- CircleCI second build step.
- CircleCI all steps completed.
- RDS Overview.
- S3 Bucket Overview.
- Elastic Beanstalk Overview.
You can navigate to this application through this URL Udagram
This project contains two different test suite: unit tests and End-To-End tests(e2e). Follow these steps to run the tests.
cd starter/udagram-frontend
npm run test
npm run e2e
There are no Unit test on the back-end
Unit tests are using the Jasmine Framework.
The e2e tests are using Protractor and Jasmine.