This benchmark implements an algorithm to calculate the approximation of the pi number from the Riemann sum for exploring the portability performance of different parallel programming models.
This kernel is based on the Riemann sum to get an estimate of the pi number, the following equations describes the mathematical implementation of the aproximation and its discrete form.
The parameters used in this benchmark are the following:
Parameter | Value | Description |
N | 2^30 = 32768∗32768 | Number of subintervals |
dx | 1 / N | Size of each subinterval |
nrepeat | 50 | Number of repetitions |
prec | 16 | Digit precision for the result |
Pi-Kernel is supported by the following parallel programming models:
- Kokkos
- OpenMP
The building of the implementation of this benchmark requires the following steps:
- Download the benchmark source code
git clone
- Get into the root folder
cd Pi-Kernel
- Configure the build, the specific model and the specific required flags
cmake -Bbuild -H. -DMODEL=<model> -D<specific_flags...>
- Compile
cmake --build build
- Run the selected model implementation executable located in Pi-Kernel/build
Where MODEL option selects the parallel programming model and can be:
Deakin T, Price J, Martineau M, McIntosh-Smith S. Evaluating attainable memory bandwidth of parallel programming models via BabelStream. International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering. Special issue. Vol. 17, No. 3, pp. 247–262. 2018. DOI: 10.1504/IJCSE.2018.095847
Kokkos C++ Performance Portability Programming EcoSystem
RAJA Performance Portability Layer (C++)
oneAPI open source projects