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Akshay Sharma edited this page Mar 22, 2015 · 1 revision

Repository Profile

It will render GitHub repository details to the selector.


  • username is a string which has to be valid GitHub account username.
  • reponame is a string which has to be valid GitHub repository name owned by the above mentioned username.
  • selector is a string containing one or more CSS selectors separated by commas.
    username: 'atom',
    reponame: 'atom',
    selector: '.repo-1'

Repository Activity

It will render GitHub repository details and public activity to the selector. Activities older than 90 days will not be shown in the feed.


  • username is a string which has to be valid GitHub account username.
  • reponame is a string which has to be valid GitHub repository name owned by the above mentioned username.
  • selector is a string containing one or more CSS selectors separated by commas.
  • limit(optional) - default and maximum is 30 - is an integer value to restrict the number of recent activities you want to render.
    username: 'joyent',
    reponame: 'node',
    selector: '.repo-2',
    limit: 25
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