A remote image management system, utilising several design patterns. The program is able to grab images from a selected directory(and sub-directories) via a recurssive algorithm. All the images can be viewed in the GUI. There are several things that can be done to them, however, they can be categorized into three parts:
- Associating images with tags
- Creating image catalogues and,
- Applying unique filters to images
Inorder to ensure easy addition of features, the following were strictly followed:
- Model-View-Controller design pattern
- Strategy design pattern
- Dependency Injection design pattern
- Singleton pattern
Please follow the following steps :
cd inside the 'src' directory. 'ls' should produce(JUnit/ManageImage/GuiController/GuiView)
compile all the files using the following command: "javac GuiView/Main.java".
Run the program with the following command: "java GuiView.Main".
A directory chooser should pop-up. Select a directory, and have fun!
Please feel free to run the Unit Tests!